Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 24, 16 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Removal FTiisfTice €£(?? VrtV£D TO Morgan*s - Auct?on - Rooms £or * s?»crt , e \Te arestnj «eKin? Departure Bay COAL CBAftCOAL t AI-GER0BA KiXDL!N« WOOD is anr qt»atity. Both Tc’ept»oncs 414 »u*t Pioneer Shirt Factory £ō iABL!>UF.D ISS7. A. M MELLIS Proprietor, 5ISFor? St„ Uon-'lal*. (Up»tadr#' Goo»! Fil CONSOL1I> VT D S 'HA WATF.R C0. (IJMITTED.) E>PLA N A 1> E Cor. All>'H a.».; F*rt *:«. : : HOLLlSTEK * C0., t(tnU. F0E SAIE. a fiv “Midnt;ut” stat.lion ooltbeKnu' :••!': LV !-■īh» 1 » C!»n be < i-i'. it tiie 1’aNTHEON SlABLL CrtU froni to-n»orrow. The White House! 118 N’uuauu Avenue, HONOLULU. MAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ Firgt-cla® {lou^e 1S EVERY Rl SPECT. Bqohis fr:i $1-59 ta $3.00 pcr M* or 50g. jBr DajPAUL LKMKK PROPRIATOR. BH1 Tel V !.2 132. aug22 NOTICE TO V{s!lcrs. Pieaie Psrti6s. Luass OENEKAL PUB;.rC I /L k A.; -: n - - ■ ? z At SMlriL - !> ;3 \vd Eiv.-:ry Stablk, Ki.ng Stk ET. [A.!joim>.g Mv! ■ līUn M--.U 3I.irket.l 1* the Ci . P!ace in Town yon c»n gvt Bns>e<, VV«g.)u xū-s, Bngg!es and Sa.!Jl« Horses. lt wiil p;«y y- u to e-:U anel sec before y«!n try elsew!wre. XV* ' Mutu i i'eiepi. ne408 ang!-J KAMEHAMEHA GIRLS SC HOOL. The nr-t trm >f Kaaiehameha Gir ScL >>i * >il <>. *-5i M- !. i;iy Xov«nT>er 2tl Applic.itī r s f..f ius s;-,a m »l- u t(!(es O t * M i. t at ka'uth met il-.ao 1. r M-- P • ... w1! u .•> (h- H..w iran Kiii ,- ;jr*tii lL»- :n. Q>ieen Kmii Ha l. Sit-.r>l,y n: ';iiuj{» frotn 9-12 whei fthe will he p> lo n»eet xv;-licauU. 11 toiti»u i- • ;-y ! r'.V>.i a y> r. N npphc.i:;ts rtc-ir idb rr 12 y.ar. of *b*. 'MI-ln». CriteriQn. Saioon ! NOTICE i» bereby given. that ali cEtms agiiu«: tt:e wi!J K* seitied by J.„. F. Morg4n. ao.lal .tns?HnJ,n5r -Tceounts .1 »e tfce Cr.iTEP.ioN Saloos- «,.a t he jobbmg u , t . D f t, H DtE uri :r to. ite * are A!l b»!U L H. Dek peas« j»rt-ieat immedEtelv f ur {4jtuent, L H. DE£. Ho:.oLiu. Oct. 3. 1831. QC*0