Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 24, 16 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
iT!if liolomna <T alcudar. OCT. 16, 1894. Last C;tJ >rter Oct 6 Poll Mr*on, “ 14 Fir»t QnarU»r. •i 2| Xew Moon. •• 25 Ve*«CL* »• PORT. SAVAL Vi»sru. H B M S |fy»c ntb, M*y, Esqaimanlt, B'C. j VEBrHAXTMEX. • K i, m »ro. TIrown. Newra»tle. XS W. i,. W II I»im>>n*T. Xil>«>n. S F. .ner .\1>>1i *, 1 aWl, S;m Kmneiwo. > MKe 1 e. Ivan«n, Cray's //*rbor. I , ,\t «tr.ili*. llond ette, 8 F. },•< Oskl nd, Se«tt «. i or» t(-x \ i 'si t( r,\PErTi n. .. .li !• rib w .. Ij»vfiAn I>1 Dne 1' M > s 1 i‘.y >'f l*ekinu.Vokoh una -Oct 9 pj[tae Pl«nter Layaftn Id....Oct 5 j tl ee( ik...lT TovundOct K st Kl'kitat....Pt Ti)*rnH»Bd O,-t 20 fok»:i<;> s»:nviCE. Sie;v> f>!rpe will l*>:u-e for hiuI arr ve i S;m Pr«neim*>» «n<l other f»reijtn . ,ft>- »n or Nhout the folloivint; >li«te8, . |h>* < lose of 1804, ltAvr H3N0un.r Dc» at 1Toxolclb j m k S*n Fkantiboo. Fst. Sas Kkas<'woo ok Vas> ocvkr. <>k \ ancocver. I T*io l’imllieon Salonn is tlie (!• Iot for the ce’>l»r tetl EnterB*er. where it C«n «lways he foumi e >«>1 aml fr*sh <*n tap. We «i » ii, t denl in ‘ Fr> Jerick8burg | 15 *r” as the niornir.g P.<per—f> r >ngh so ;.e inist«ke hns ftdver- | l.x d. C'>11 «t t!ie Pnnlheon f>»r , te—fi« slrng drink. ,11M Pn>prietor. * Tn\k abont braying itsses. The t >vnis full of them. McBruyer’s wij;sk«*v s onlv t<i be fonnd ut tiie Empiio Saloon. And when it s fonnd it sl ivs. :‘n Reqaa <>f theEmpirc Saloon has nnde a new deal whieh will U>uch t!ie he <rts, or at least tlie j alat< sof inany a thirsty wander ei. He keej>8 •‘h«lf-and-half on draught «ud s**rves a most do l cious aud eool boverage, far superi<>r to “plain” boer. so 17 tf J. .1 Williame the well-known Arti>t o is making i> sj>ec ,ill\ «>f |>ortraits on \Vutcii 1»1 1 s i«ud Silk H:\ndkerohiefs. C’oiuj)kte sets of Lanloni slidos lectuivs ean bo lmd ii t tbe gftHory. I or *li< v Mie sold at « ro«son«ble t\guro by the dozen or by the humiied % A» Ho s k»*<*ppr er nurs* by x *r«iic d nurso jast from tin l' >. \uli U iv« tue ls s> d t i.nrsō 1> «j*i re ; t 11 L“Ml A OFBlCK. < ctS otsd Dancing S:hool. T.:c un,Wrv.£n<? < hiu* >|>cneT n *obool or ’ .,K,-.r.n£ i Us,iu how lu DaVOK- I.es- - ■>> «»lt hu avfa ul lU<* ol<t ,\ruiory ou l«rv‘_iu • Sim*t *rrry Tuv*>.l>*y, TUur»l«y » . i '»ii,ir.Uiv u\shu - eaiu&iu,: «t 7:-*» r. « n ir.u M. KiNNON
Ilaniwai 3atliHausB rh«> i!i J r# g u i h «vi*'g l F-A*Ei* Ihe « w i ll\S<w*I U«TH ilo se 1 1 W. iiiu». I» gs Ui »« f iu. V' u, taut it w.ll l*» r«.n »8 « Strictly Firsi-Class BATHING RES0RT. „S .ci • PCC il t <H'l t T L iii 8 ui «1 C» i dr W, 8 I A tTLETT. l‘ r . K r * f i Tr-m-ca» in» tTe |>h» •