Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 24, 16 ʻOkakopa 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


[\\V «’o r.A ho’d onrse’ves r?sponsib!e for iho upinioiis nr the uUtrnnoes of our corresiJOiideuts.] Editoh Hol mua: i h;ivo «iften lie.»rd. it rena:irked tli it this is ‘-the best g >vermoeat j wo lnve over had. ’ and as f.ir as wages nre concerued, I reallv bolieve it is. While s!rolling along tho water front last Siturday morning. I descried a few mēn w rking oi: tlio poiitoons nsod f>r dredging the in<rb r, and bei>ig a shipcarp nter, I :ij>|>roaclied tlie bnsy seeno to set* the oxlent of the w>nk g>>ing on mider the snpervision <>f oiu wise snperinteudent of Pnlilie works. Froni inf<>rmation githered on the spot. 1 learn*dthat s»me ol t!ie workmen are oniy receiv ng the paltrv sntn > f thre * d«dlar-' ati«1 a h >lf a d v. w' ; !e others i>.re getting thr* e«i <iI >i s ad>y. mii>’> ‘ lie>t g-»venuu mt" «’.uk at that. 1 aiu n«>t kicking, b< canse th«is*i men «re lab >riug inste<*l«>f me, but it is s mply th:s Mr. E 1 1 1<>r. If the \v<*rk now g >ing on was b -ing «1 >ne by ni<-i» t«i whom tin* 1r.de l>eIoiigs, au«l st»u*iud w ges paid •< greal «leal <>f ti*»e, im>ney nnd m «ter *l w <nld be s .vud bv tiie R*pub le «>f Hawaii :«n«l uot a word of «lisM.pr..v :l uonhl l>e heinl fr>*m aiiy s >mce Wli;«t «1 >es a honse-w >< d butehol , kuow aboat c «uiking t»©soain- ' . f pontooi<s with oakam? j mig.it be ab!e lo do it well enoug’u \v»t!i shav«i«gs Uiuogh ! N>w Mr S«»i>eriulendent c> * Public W.»rks i{o-well on shoro eiO|>l<»y toe »r<.,>er men, pav th regul.tr w «ges. i«ave excal en uork done. a»«d y«>a will liiereb> receive the bearly appr«batioi . «>! b<>Ui t«x payers«nd m •ehaiiiein ge«i6!«l A. SAWTE<i, — -"7-----" —