Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 24, 16 ʻOkakopa 1894 — GREAT IMPROVEMENTS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Po<ttBa!>tfr*G?Dtnl U*t it de*°rrinj» of great <*redīt for tbe ininn)T j mont> whieh he is mvking ia the p^t-o{Boe. Tbe baiMiag is too sm*ll f *r the pre«ent basiDesaby thegeoeral he is m <king the most oot of tbe smnll sp«ee nll U< J to him. A series r £ boxes hnve been pliC9d m tbe eenter of the maiu rocm ani eaeh p- in the conatry will hnTe a special bax. Tbroogb i niee contriv.»nce the box ean be opene‘l whenever it is foll aml, tbe contents will be<lropped iuto the regnljT m iil bag Fortun »tely the p <pers m:»ii>*il to Ihe coootry [fistricts wcr<* danij)?d into b >xes Bt to hold fiiewoo<.l and it took i ii>e>i wit i 1 g 1 <•* pss3‘ ssed bv Mr. Iv«-n.ke to fish np the. cont<‘«>f t!. ■ box- s and den s;t | it i;i tlie inail i>ags A Bnn.ber if deiiv< iy windows vrillbear-i ranged aad speciai accoimuod i ti ;ijs will b * i; ade for 1 d;es. ; Wlien ( v iyt .inj» g;ts ready the po.st-i ffice will be in a c»ndition «nn :issisi«» mvtuinj» u>!d>-r f >rmer o • n ;»dinin:strat : ous. And Ihe > xpen se.s > • ir> ■ l ir • most i-.taon iblo. I