Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 15 October 1894 — Indiscreet. [ARTICLE]
,, Profe*snT” of ♦»„ Oahu C *!hg>» b«s been ar.-a »1 ”• tuiikmg a mot s 1or • • n «rk agninst children wū« , waii .n blood ia their v*- : < ,nd he sbould be g r.*a sn r* - nity of rtfuting the st*tc- * :.t < r a;i cbiidi>E of .jj — ‘;bcTs ouid bc msde to Iearn the c«--ilege.
riie ftnii .{ eome- i i*. » il ;t 3Ir if - ■ r pnnished two ; !:a f w.i:te h«n . l[ | ; v> were ut fauls the puuisbment may be proper aud nobody bas anything to do with the i n whieh the teacher muuages his school. Rut it is stated that # Mr Hosmer in the present «>f a nomber of bis pnpi s d. clared that “tbe bad is io tbe hrtlf-white, and it is boand to eome oct some dav.” not acqnninted witli Mr Ho«mer a:id hesitate in beIieving that nny man coald make snch a st atement to the scbo’ars of a school th.it det #\es its main support from tho Hawaiian Gov- ! ernraei;t aud from tbose birn on the soiI. The st atement is be lieved. though, and we under- I st«nd th«t a !«rge nnmber of children have been w thdrawn
from the aehool. If Mr. Ho smer devoted his tim t t 'eli lus pupi!s nseful .•:rt- if;-tou! cf ai i'c :.g his sc!ioo! :« j■<■>!«t:c.-i! . i-en w’tli rice- } !iv«l *«- «i •. |i' :.«■ i, 1 obj«-et. b» wouul eun l»is s:I irv in t« bet ter w»y and n« t j«>np>irdizo tlic sch 'ol, tdn.rch and future f ti;e r-paiiiīo The «ttack nnolo in the A<hert>*rr tjf-a l,ist Saturday n;ght iontr«grons. Mr Levoy tefnseil j to allow th«* st ga of the Openi | iTonse to be nsed for ]> lilieal purnoses and lie dec!ined to lmve liie reRtilts of a political meeting declared to tlie auilienee of the pers'>ns who “t ok iu” Chi>rley’s Aunt. Mr. L *vey who kiv»ws : tli.it n'iie teu‘.h >f iiis cust » n *rs aro “RoyaIists” is to be eomplimented ou liis disj>lay « f discretlon.