Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 15 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
i»vrt>g S } er ri.mM.ai. T Pk BlV0n s is ia toira—roa bot. Oi' e ns the 5p3nish elaaee again Mr. Dailey’: rue '{..reign ,- a ., ,.} a jj ves er.l
■■ I 1*« I» .ie • f >rt-f u ; .«• 0d as ‘revivers’' of "fainters." r - P. Robir.S4)n w.«s picniciug yesterd iv. Major Senard left i n the Anstriha on l)asiness connected with the Waimanulo pluntation. Oolon.l Geo. W. Mucfarlflne • f ;ft in the Anstmlia on a basiness ; trip. ) » Peter Lucas has tuken the | pl ice of Mr. Friemunn as slevrard i of the hotel. i | Mr. A. Hofinnng and fumily 'eft in llio Australia for bis home in Loudon Thebeautiful Faust nextTuesdny witli speciul scenery, ealeiwn and oleoli ie t i efi .cts i lie book «>f n fc . nee i«; r*g.rd I to t‘ic ele-eiion whieli is now bei; g co:upiI«.d bv JIr. Frauk G dfn*v pro;uis( .s t > be n gre t snccess. Mr. II. 1 Green, th»* ageut f<>r the Huni f ne Soc;ety is not usloej). The “missionary’’ plugs will get a vac .tion. - I Tlio-e wlio ruissed “Charley’s ' Aunl’’ should hasten nnd sigu at bevey’s for its reproduction. • First eome first served. The new “seni('r’’ cnptflin of the polieo is on the alert. Thero have heen more urrests during t!ie I >st tweiity-(*mr liours thau ov.*r hefore during the same period j Pr*»l> >lilv Rob rt knew \vhere to i put lii» !;ands ou t!iem. A well-known old sport uas internpted in his nsnal enjoyinent of a glass of be«r I .st S turd iy Iiy theSiIvntion •‘lnssies.” The l;idies wanted to know if he wus [ reudy to die T1«p ol<1 nenkiem »n i t >ld thera th.it k»' wns ieadIoi i<» get marridd. They ned; and Ounha sold m ro boer, A Humorous Aunt. If sucb a thing lio possible, Dailev’s Co. ,of players havo add •■d another noteb totheir populaiit\ string und aootber nnmber hiss eome proroinently forward ns a pleasing enterlainor. We refer to Jeun Weiner, tlie yotmg man ,vbo tnusqneraded ast!ie Aunt on Sitnrd.iv evenit.g, aud sapplied i fond of l iugliter. He lmndled tbe cbaracter cnrt*fnlly and sivtstically, and jndioiously k *pl bnrlesquing. tlierebv g *ing many idrairers. Messrs Snow «nd Hullet as Jac’\ and Cbarley give m nniraated pef(orm>ince; Mr. lielmour was a good fnssy. gr »sp iug lay wer uiul Mr. N .un irv a lignifi'-d spnrty futher. TIk t:«djes weie n"t ealleel npon to do nacb, but dress, and «ome usod lecided b«d jadguient in th s r(*spect. Rceptions in Eiig’ish nilliou »ireshoases d.>es nof iue :n _*t>mmou-place w.trdrol*e aud bue iHiids, bnt eomplele reoeption •ostuming. Miss--» D«lgleish <nd St«-ckmever \\ere euteit:«ining in !«eir small opi>ortunity; Kittv e lmour «l : tl the renl i)ou Al»« ia ,vrv nioely, at»d M ss Ni»uuary •v iS *» tweet Eil.» Del>«hey. Re—ween tlie lirst nud S; e >ud ncts 1 s Stoc‘<tneyer .-«Uil N «un «rv utr«duc«d oue ol the prettiest h.nces ever witnessed on our loeal strtgo. It w.s the poetry of molion peraonifieti and thesr >ra«tmnes were «rt stici«l!y be:*uiful. Tiiey were rec pents of a !ieartv enc >re aeil nauie»ous boupi«ts. Takeu *H t«*gether 'Ch «rley’s Aaul'* fu ly j stmed the reputation precēed ng it, «nd 1 M«nager D«ilev co»ld rvpe:it it i to a l*rge b« use Tuesdrty ev. uiru we to bav« G«>eibes 1 beautiful legeud ‘ FaaW witb ecoo:o cl*clri«»i ciki.ts, %