Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 15 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
iiRRIV£D Pe^ Frencli .ind Scotch OIngh iras (new) .... 1<V.. ‘20c. anel 2V Victoria Lawns (new). 10 vda for 75c. Whit* Dr *s Gchx1s (n?w) . 10c„ lōe.. 2V.. 25c.. -V., ' c Wbite and Colored Diraities [naw] 20o. and 2ōc LUunelletts. all colors, (new> 1 ' yds for o1d m vxi:n—“Tbere is mthing new under tho S nn” —knocked ont. Call and bo convinee 1. M. S. LEVY. Who is now s>tCed in Bensin, Sna:th Co. s| OKl SU »d. Fork Street
jtonal Iron | QC£KN Street. Between Ahikea &. Kiehanl St* j i THE UXPERSIGVED are pwpared to m.ike rll kinds of Iron Brass, Broare. Ziac; Tin aml Lead Cutit>g*. Alo General Repidr Shop for Steam Ecgines, Rice Mills, Corn MilU. Wafer WheeL», Wind Milia, etc. j Mackines tor tbe Oleanin;’ of Coffee, Castor Oils, Beans. Ramie, Si'a', j Pineapple Leave~ i ot;-.er F;brons Plants, And Paper Stock Al»o Maehine* for Extr«cting St re'a frot» the M.inioe, Arrow Root, etc. l(T All Orders promptly attended to. A/HITE. RTTMAN <f\ CO. B. BERGERSEJj, |tieneral Asfent tor RING-ER SEWING i\iA.CHiisriv; COMP’Y. All Rincls of NeeJles for Sale nnd Repairing Dune. Damoo’s Block, Bethel Street. Hooolnlu. P. O. Rox 440. jv21 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M. RE1S 5 J.C. OUINN -:-F.AT -s-QH Af4 —; FuRHiTURE DēALERS. Bcz to inform ihe pahlie tbat tbey have opcned a Bra:ch Store at No. 322, Nuuami SE Where they carry a eompleie llne of BED3GOM SETS, CI1AIRS, TABLES. WaBDROBES, STANDS, Etc., £tc., Ele. Farsitore Kep» r «d and General Jobl>lng at Beasonable S»tes. VJNG FAT CHAS, X * Factory. coratr of Kln* *nd Bethel Straeu. sept 6-3id3 Y. LUM SlNO, Dealer in FraiU Groc £resb Fra«U by Every Culif Ste*mer. Eresb island h fwr Wiiu 133 Fo * » CotTee Ro.sted. P O. Bos Fresh Ul HU d ProdGC0 C Dehverc<J to Any P ar t oi _ i,