Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 15 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WOV£M WIRE! I9th Centupy A M>storion» Tale. Oid an_vbodr erer hear how the l-anana fir?t pii»n, ’low the mllk cot in the cocoannt; whea ; maneo yeed »»- so»o: From wiienee Ihe n»tiv<r? c»rno to people thia !a;r UneL And when Uier died. wbere ther «11 went. the h*ppy dnsky bar.d? The»e &ct* »re «’I mysterioas. and ao solnlion pet, And thore’s other roy«teries qaito a« deep whieh are not fatb«>tnod yet: Who w»s it ran the opiuin riug, got in the liqunr free. How wa« it Customs men weie blind. detectir.s conld'nt eee? tVhose poinp to be the Tamraaay Kiapof i t i*.'-t piou' town. ■Who’ll «!«rt tbe Show, t« whom sbal! we all ! planh the down; Who will be Boss. aud rua the finn, who will the Bncklev be, Tc do it «n the Frisco p’an of the Great Kepnhlie free? One t"uini we kaow that BAlLBT’S BED? are mude of WOVEN 'VIRE. They srive us comfort. j>eace aud rcst. and are ’all tbat we desire; He takes no p>ait in politics, bnt docs the best he csn. To pleasc his friend«. aud show that he"s the ‘H’Ol'Pk’ u’ior V» 1V I OF THE t WOVEN WIKE MAN !, W0VEN WIREBAILEY, Manufacturer cf W0VEN W/RE Beds,
Stret*t. Honoli'ln, (next door t > 4orn’s St< im B ikery.) Sold. by All RE3psctabl5 E!5aler3. nng 14-1 m ¥IAVI REMED1ES. WHL Cl'RE Cons’imptlon. Rhtumnt ! sm. Catarrl», Croii!>, nll Sl»>u >1 •> •nses. FemaieComp! onts, :iud PIles in tbe worst form. Ho|*es nre eutertamed tbuit it uill cnre Leiro«y. They .rc Veaetablc Kemeiil» nnd enn l>e nse»l bv the uio»t dellcale :ia<l the younce»t child. Pr ces wlihln the re >eh of :.I1. Sc.’.d by ” -r, f. Q. Kallon a]', I U!) «treel, \V«y Blin , T:, n.ul>T H <ruionv tfall. /i niolnlu CARD OF NOTICE. Sch;irt’ ifc C>>.. has rcnm\v(l to Ar lingt n Bl<>ck !fntel Street. \vhere tiuy wi 11 be b<*tter nb!e to serve .md |i!e.is ! * their ihtrons. Wil! keep <>n hand ;fll (be latest l>apers. B >ok Si itīi>nery. Perirdica1s <fe No\vlties. in a!l bnnchcs of the tr ;de. se 14 tf Long Branah nmeEstabllshment. i First-Class Bithing Reg»rt has b j en enlarged and is now ou<*n lo tlie puhlie, It is tt»e best plaee on the islands to enj*>y a B <th. and there >s no belter nlaee to !ay ofi. Si>ecial :iccommodations for bi - dies. Tramcnrs p ss the d <>r cvery half hour. and >>n S >turdiys and Sundays everv fifteen inniutes. C. J. SH; RWOOD, jy24 Propr;eior.
lo\/eJoy &co e Wljolegale Wiqe \ Li^noi 1 ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Stre€t. We would eail your attentiou to Our Special Brand-) Longlife $ Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg Beer •u 2 »c uiāia cr Ut.Ics