Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 15 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
Sptember 1”, 1S94 If we remember correctly the “Ch:ir!e?tr»n’* w.is tbefi'stof th**Whiie S<ja dr’n t•• vis t HonoI :ia. Her arrival < n her second crn : se is st:ll in the minds of ] eo; le who were here on 29. 1991. When vrith fl-p* at «ni y.«rds cock-boilt >he e: tered port with the body of Hing K i ;»k<tn.i, the kind ntteiitio: s sbo'vn by the officers to the King dar t g the voyage to the United St des nr.d the, a - most sacred mmn r in whieh the body tvas gnarded borne to the Is’ands, endeared the “Charleston’’ to tbe peop’e of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in the power of the people, tueir api reciation w.is shown to the officers dnring their stay and wheu sa : led they left graven on t blets of love ar.d memory, evidences of t!ieir Aloha f r Hawa i. Fe\v, if any, of the officprs who were here then are on the vossel now; sorae have reached the age of retirement and others have gone to oth r vessels but tho Chaiiestou is stdl grev->n in the heart of the Ha\vaiians.
Have yon evor nsed a Pansy 8t ve? We ,!i!ive boeu selling
ti:eni for four or five years and to day tbey wear the “Yellow Co«t” iu the erapire of stoves. They nre recognized by ev*ry oue, eveu dealers :n other stoves, as a snperior art ele and one whieh they do not e ire to ruu np anainst. 0f conrse st >ves mav O * be lx,Higlit from people who are uot dea!ers. We h;»ve poople running hero every day or two for fire br cks »»nd parts belonging to stoves they have bonght frora other parties, and when they find thoy cannot gct them tiiev discard t!ieir stoves and
bny a “Pansy ” Yo i see thero is a dis»dvantage in bnying dear thiugs at low pr:ces. C“tne 10 ns ar.d get a Pansy at 00 and yon get full valne for yonr raonev. Yon do!»’t get a $75.00 rango t"or fiP;‘» j n »lollars, iuiud vo'i, bnt }ou get ;» fiist class stove that is worth Tliiity d >llai-s to ao) ? one * Onr Ready Mited Paiuts aro s ited to tho wauts of neople who hav ' a little pa'nting they want to do themselves. The advantage in bnying a prepared paint is that von have thebenefitof tho best uiixers in ths United St tes witl»ont having to pay for it. The paint is ready for use directly yon take t!»e top ofi"the e in a- d if yon »lo:»’t find it ehe.ip »r and better than ar»vvoncin
mix yeurself we :-re mUtaken in o r experience' lu Californiu the 5 ainters are ns : ng tlie pn-pared article in preference to bnying !ead aml oils becmse they find it to their advant »g0 to do so \\ e bel eve it is onlv a q ;estion of tirae when the painters hera will f tll iuto liue.
Hanging laraps are in as gre.it deniaml now as ever. People seem to \v.-nt somt thing for lightin» purposf>s th t will give as goo*l light as the san—they fi d it in the lam{ S we are giving awv. Our ehe stand lamps aro an excellent thing fc»r a servants room and will find a ready sale in the Island stores. We ean supply any demand. for a single lamp or for a thonsand.
T(.ere’s <f Hawai : ans whose Kuleanaa neeel fencing and ve have thew re\vith whieh tu do it. We have also the material for b ;ilding a fehce that will Iast until lo g after the uiilenium. Instead of paying a hig i pric.' for posts, oreven getting them for tLe cnttiag. your fence will cost you less m ney if you bcy steel stays and vasbers and make a Jones l.oe ;ed fence.
We h ive everytbi g you want in the hardwaro nd bouse furnishiug goods lue yoa wishAud we coart investigatu>n a- to k .eir quality and j riccs. Tie Hawaiia Hartiare Co. 807 Fort 8twt