Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 15 ʻOkakopa 1894 — SO SILLY! [ARTICLE]
Tue A*lverti*er has opened «p ti ncv\ line of jonrnalism wliieh havdly wiil “take’‘ in Honolohi. A whole eolunm is devotcd this morn!ug in describing a fit of sickncss (o whieh a lady vi..itiiig Sai:s S uci \vas subject. d. Mrs. No! :n, who is cnjoying her !ioneyni.'Ou visited t!io fainous Waikiki r>soit with hei husband and fri- nds yesterd *y She w ts t .ken iil.aml i d c!or was .«ent for. The doctor anived and iiis bill
has prob;:bly been p.«id by this tirae. Out of this sirii} lo ineident the A<lvrdiser ut:ikes “blood iind thuuder” seiiSi.tion. The polieo force is used for stage-elfct but we eau state th»t senior e.iptaiu Parker knows i;is busiuess too well to inteifero ia matters where his nuthoiitv ln;s uot been called. The lady iu qaestiou is totl.«y enjoving the beautif.il climate of Waisiki, aud is rather amosed over the AdvertUer sens.«tions. Mr George Lycnrgns has clcsed Sans Sooci as a hotel. nnd the lovcly resortwiH in thefuture beoecu}>ieil as a privale residence. Mr 1 ycargns is t«> ba cor.gyitu)ated ou being ,tb«'bappy p-.>'Se» scr of tho fiac>t l;.,Liug plaee iu Honolnlu, nud ttonolula is justi-
fi,Hi iu usi g u.trsli n mes ag.nnst tbe morniog i«per, vrhicb thr ūgu its imliscrftion !e<l to tbe closing of the most popalar resort. Otber people fdint, otber girls get ill.bat ueverbefore bavesuch inc:dents beea cocsidered wortby of publ:c notice. A verso from a we'l known miy sbov tbat f »inting is not au bccnrence. nnkuown in Honolui» and confined to Waikiki. Tbo brillĪHUt po«t siugs: Faiui t Uuk L»»: a huie, mgu: Ov>iug »31 w-a:gkt. To « uuk uo*-