Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 15 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MACFARLANE A CO. l)eaJer» in Wines awl Spirifs 5tre«t, Honolnln. H. E. McTNTYRE A BRO.. GnocEET, Feed Store A Bakert. Comer of King an.f Fort Sts. . Honolnlu J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLUMEEIi, GA-S.FITrLR JOPPER-SMlTH, House and Ship Job "\Vork Promptly Execnted. No. 71 King Street. Honolali. Dk. MeLENNAN, Fort Stre«t, nbove Hotel. M'iUlai T«*iephone f>»r olHee; 2<7 for rwidence. jy‘2H KU. C- ROWK. Hou*e S'ujn and Oinamenlal Painter. r«* ..f I.iquid S iimg. (.20 Kīug Strect. "'igl LEWIS J. LEVEY, Keal fcistate and ( leneml A uctioneer. '<.nn*r Fort a.« l Quecn Stroct-. Houolulu utteuti >n g*ven to S.l. s nf Fnrniinro, Re.il Est:ite. 8ttxdi and GcncrMeieli:indise. \lbOiHl Trlonhiin» “FAT BOY.” SM03N ! P. MdNT.UXV, l'Rornnrroii, Fine Liquors. VVines and Beer. CoRXF.R BKTliEL AXT> HoTEL STS. Honolulu Carriage Manufactory ‘3^5* W. W. \VHIGirr, Pkopiu»to*. (SuiTei*8or to G. Wrrt). pARRIAtiE BlTl-DINT. asi> UEPAlīilNO. V \l! Ontcri» fn>m th«- Olhor IM«nds iu Iho • c*rriajrv Bui!»lim;. Trimniiag and Paintlng 1 ino »111 Moot wilh Pminpl Attontiou. " Btaok-mithlmr In AU lt‘ \ Hri.«us Hnuioho* Dono. P O. B»>x 331. N*» 1 I3S »nd IS0 J.'.«rt 8tlWA. 9 J V W.S.LUCE
Wine aud Sr>irit Merchant Cvnpbell Fire-proof Block, mehchantrt. nnmnu. . - » 71 : BOTH TEU5P»I0NES s 71 j —CONSOLIPATtD—SOOA WATKR-:- WORKS-: C0. (|,IMTTTED.) * XOTHi:. ALL iMisons are wnme.1 uot to pennil | «nimal» to on tue UnJs ■ of K*oew»i niiii Kan 'UiUi, helon-zing the utwWr»igu«l riot plaat.r>, A.11 ««“»{“ lonn.i on stn«yiug ou ihe rice uuds witi «« impounUeU or shot. LENTAl wai sing kee. n-.nolulu. Ang. 39 is-.u *u.; 29-lo>.i»r j Tol WoWing Kee Co. 26 NL'l'ANU STREET Oe«lers in LaJW * B k)Ia ami Sh«'*«‘ mad« to orO«-r. p O »ot 3R7 1.« Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTK ALIA." Auother Iuvoice ot the orld Renowned i FREOERICKSBURG - UGER BEER Ou <ii»aght *»id by tbe keg. Also, as a Speci*lty. S»AU Fresh Califorhia
OYSTERS, tr*01i OOCKT AlLb mjl 3uxc