Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 15 October 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]
C0XSTITUTI0X and LAWS Fraiued bv the Missioiiiiries * LAWS of the,H AWAIIAN ISLANDS. 11 If ar>* l>ronght Lere from foreign c >untrie3 aml *le3ifni \vith t‘io iiesign of expi>rting them a.’ain. thosw goods» sh;»!l pay Jaties like all others. But if the owner give noliee in wrting th;»t they are for exportation. he ahail then be entit!« d. when they are tako»i away, to receive baclt two an«l a half per cent, leaving on j h \If per cent tranail duty. Thia ahall apply to overy kiudof property ihal is landed, but the collector of cust>ras must direct in relation to the »torage of such goods. lf g ><k1s are brought into a harbor for reshipm«rt t!iey shail pay the satne tramit duty as if landed. Ii shall l>e the'duty of the Governor of eaeh parti«'ular Island t > see thia !iw ex *oat *«! at hi«> uhiee. The Govercor ahall estab’i«h such oftrjer* aa ure nece«8ary. and sha!l g.vo ihe lie -nee», to k* epers of stor<s, and houses of entert uninoul an«l he shall pay tiie iuoneys int > the hands of the Treasury B>ard. 13 It is fnrther enaeM in relation t<> a!l >bipfl whieh anchor at Lahaina, tiiat whereas, mast’rs of ships have UDif«>rmly rcfosed eoniplianee with the Q«iarantme laws, and ihe expense of tx iniining their ships ha« theret >re f tl!en on the Goverument. an«i whereas the inc«jme of the Governmenl is % not >ogreat s the exp nse incurrod, thenfore (nm this t me potat ©s will n>t bo preseut «1 in the tmnner they have f>rm <ily bcen. S’*iips will h<«««ver e «L.tinue to pay ten d >llars eaeh f>r anch«>r g*,a»l>r wh:ch tra«l* m> shr.re will h;froe. Al 1 th« words «f th ; s 1«w hav ng been approved bv ihe N b'*sand bv tb»’ Rapre*« nt *tives, we bave hereunt *, s t our « mm' s thi* e eve >th day of M>y in ihe year <>f our L >r«l one t’.iU !sui» l eig t hu:tdre*l a:td f >rty t»« at Lahaioa, Maa». (Sgievl.) KAME IAMEHA IIl. K*KA LC.illl. A RKS)LVE IX EELATIOX T0 THE APPOlNT\!ENT OF agover\ment ister i> reteb and uecorDEIL »V’h*re:'S th s Oov rn’0**Dt in its e> >n cti «n w:th («re g> rs <>ft-i> emb»rra-s d f r va*it««f ;C«pi*i»»t ne* wth rout’.ne of b >*in sw i . oth«r e *ontn « it is t ier**f re her**by r eoin - raendvd, Tn-t H s M j-rty the Xing should appoink >oine ! *re gner «»s R-e -rd t an.l lul rpret r f>r lba Guve? im-*nt. HU ba» : - ness sha!l be t*> auperiut j iid the arrar.geavenl ofGovernmenl d>came .t-», and act »3 iatarpretor at all tria's «>f fore!go©r before the suprems Judg*rS. *