Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 23, 15 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
V«tire to Teaaati t Tīzrr »iiy *Vj i»u Xr 5. j 'r. ■-*;» «oai -ind t« r , fr: « o> *?*uat« (»n »• A j- oi XcML r -. L rs :. IV. '»♦ ; T . V - • - x 3To?lr‘<*. F- V. LU i. nf | TTiv •ii'i Wete? fi5gbt. D.rr.r: c< \OTARV PUPLīe. ■U«:: M *rrars Lswcses. Omei 305. M«rrb»3: Stwt 'Oct. 15tk
*.'»» froic ih« BiA 3 ui- har- U-rn imponei an4 r*n f 'in»nilr : -« t>>n;t at I mi a o®-«, Ti.*»e iUen»:rd ia c »1 ;’d n-t 1 !h« opponimi Oel.li—tf. hj l/\ f HoU L. J. LEVEV Le
Second Seascn of !Dailev Stock Co.. i undt r iIk* j»• *r~ >nal direct:cm i>f W. Ii. Dailet. T',esday Evenmg. OCT, 16, i>.w, (T-'ETHfc: , .S MaSTERPILC2 Faus; ar.d Margu8rite Thnrsday Evening. OCT. 18, 1^94. THE BLACK FLAG! Sat'.3rday Evening, OCT 20. 1894, The Grcat E igl sh Come(7)r EC?S I Another great Laugh provok* r I JD u* »1 •-« upri| l | V. Uri 1111 \v! I >t i>V'nc; se22 til KAMEHAMEHA GIRLS SCHOOL. The fir-t tcrai *of Kamehnmeli’) Girls Scht>.>1 "ill o> en Mon«l?iy November :2th. A|ip)ic>iti ns for udnii sion mn.v be «ddre-s-ed to Miss l’ope ei!h;-r >it Kumeh imeh > M iuu d or Miss Pope, w II be iu the Hnw.iiian Kiu le--£arten Koom, Qneen F.inm>» H»’l, Satnrd;iy moruings from 9-12 wbere she will bc p!e.ised to mctt piilioa >ts. 1he tnitk>n is fifty dolbire iS5tl.) a yenr. No applicants received nnder 12 v, ars of «ge. Oct. 11-Im. Dancing Sjhool. The nadere:gne 1 has ipene l a school or those desir.ng t • le.irn how to D\n< e I.f.ssons wdl be givea ul the old .\nnory on Beretan a Street every Tnes l iy. Thnr- lny aad Satnrday uight- > epmmug nt 7:.10 p. M. nct. llth. PETEK MeKINNON REAL ESTATE AGENCY. i!onses to rei:t anil fors Ie. R uts collecte<l, convevm *ing in *11 its br»ncli©3 alten»le.i to witi< prornptness ■»> il d>-S|i t b. HosocLr Re.\l Estate Agexcy. 103 Forl St. Ilaniwai HatliHausE * Tn** « d rs‘g elbivi g I £a<ed ihe «e.l vi J.L\Nw,i B >rn do SE »t Wai<!N«. b gs t>> i» f rn y a, t i.it xt w!1 bs r a as j Stricf y First-0ljss BATH'.NG RES0RT. S»e»• ■ ee m J t *f r L l. s «r:d C idr u W. S iARVLErr Pr •{ r.ei -r. Pf, Tr. m-o»ra »»a tie pbc© uo6