Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
arrived i,^l)ST^ALi/\.': French aml Scotch Gingbam3 (new) 10o.. *20e. :>c Vīctoria Lrvrns (new). 10 yds for White Dr *s GooJs (ne«r).. .10c.. lōe., 20c., White an 1 ColoreJ D mities [new] LlaunellelU. all colors, (new> 1) yds for . ... 7ōc. 23c., 30c.. 3oo .. 20c. and 23c $1.0» old ru »xhn — s, Tjere īs n »tliing uew an.Isr tjs S an" —kuocked ont. C »ll and be convince l. M. S. LEVY, Who is now sdt ! ed in Beason. Smith Uo. sj 01d Stand. Fort Street
iT’SflTOSSUP Sometimps where to po to pnrehnae any pnrticnlar :irti’le, bnt not if yon iinppen to wint <iuv* thiug in the lino of •ftrtists’ jSupplies, Picture Frames or cnl;irgetl portraits, there is bot ono plaee in Honolnln, to pnrchnsenll muterials, and that’s KING BROS.’ Store. for wliieu there is no rival on tbe'9 īslands. The finest paintings in Haw .ii, are on exhibition iu this ga!lery.
|tonal Ipon Wop'^ QC£l:.V Srr.EET. Betvreeu Alakea 4 Kicbard Sts TME UX1>EKSIGVED a-e pwpaml :o I muke rJl kimi-» of Iron Bmss, Bronze, Tin aml Le»wt Alio Gecerul Repair Shop for Steam Enj?iQes, Eiee Mills, Corn M Jls. Water \Vbeels, Win.l Mills, eto. ilaeliiueā lor the Cleaninst of Cofft e, Custor Oils, Ueana. U.ui. ;e, Sis« , Pineapple Le.ives * olher Fibrona Pl«nta, And Paper Stock Al»o Maehinea for Eitracling Starch from the Me.nioe, Arrow Eoot, etc. 1%T All Or.lers promptly attende 1 to. iA/HITE, RITMAN <f\ CO. B. BEUGEBSEN, [Genoral for SING-EB. m SEWING MAOHINE COMP’Y. All KineU of Need!es for S;ile nnd Repairing l)une. U.iraon’s BIock, Hethel Street, Honolnla. P. O. Rox 4 10. jv21 v 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriags Company, M. REIS & J.C. QUINN VINQ-!-F/T-!-CH/pl —: FuRNnURE DēALERS.
The firm mahea n specialty ol enhirging portraits as woll a5 mak;ng ]>5cture fmmes in the very latest styles of mouUliugs. In the sheet pi\‘turos, tbey have thnnsands to select fiom of whieh they invite an inspection at auy timo. lCTXO BROS-, Hotel Street, : : : H >nolalo ang 2n-lmd'y. JSOTlCE. D. Howard Hitchcoct bns reopened hisclasses in drawing and ]>ainting ut his CKis?> Koom on Hotol St. Class instrnctions given everv \Vednesday aud Satnrday froia S P. M., tO 12 P. M. Api-lic.it on for tbe full tem sbonld be raado at onee. l ’ r POIINE) MASTER*S NOTICE. Notico is bereby giv n to all persons that there are it the Government Pouml at Masiki, 1 cream mnre n » brand. 2 wh:te feet <*.■» r ght sii!e; 1 brown h r-; br *nded V E on r ght h r,J hp, while l on back. 2 wbite spot on hip; 1 bn*wn mar- branded V ou lelt hind hip; 1 chfc-t-nut uot br»u.d; 1 br*wo m;>re and 1 vn':ng horse br n.l PR on neek; 1 bay hor?e bra:-dv.i AF • n hird hip. Any pei-son or persons ow u g these borses. nre reqaesttd to eome and take the saii*e on or before 12 n’eloek noon, baturday. October 2J. 1894. Wm. Kaapa, P<*uud M«nter. Makiki Oct 8. 1894. octS tfil.
B«» to icform tb* pabtir th»t tbey b*Tt opeoed • Braicb Store at No. 322, Nuuanu St., Wliert they tdrrr a c la. leie Uae of BEDSOOM ?ETS, CHAIRS, TABLES, WAKDROBES, STANDS, Etc., Etc., Etc. Furnllur»Efpa >ed and Gcaeral JubUn t «t CtaioMbl* Eat«t. VIXG FAT CIIAX, F*ctory, eorcer of King aad B<tael St eeU. 6fept G-3ma Y. LUil Si \G, Daaler in Fraits nnd Gmceries. Fresb FruiU by Everv Calif,.rnia oteamer, EresL IsSund Butter from Hiwoii. 135 Fofr Street. e'ollee Bo.»ted. P O. 3ox 109 FresU lalaml PmUuoo, Gooda to £ay of th© C«y, m
WAXTED. As Ho 3 kwper rr rinrs$ pxt>erie»ced uurse just fro.u l !,e U.8. wiii ituT« l-;»i d t »r.urā®» Iuq'i re «>t L Orfi £• rotS 3ted LKE Sr.\(» liKE, 49 UNO STKE£1. TIXSMITH. jlm> DM\LKK IN ware, Cruokery, CouI-Oil Sfe»ve«s '»*•* Pv*_Pl Ul «b«ig ***)”