Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

BEDS of : WOVEN WIRE! Thc Luxury OF THE 19th Century A 3ry«iterions DiJ anvb<i.lT ever hear bo» ihe hanan» firft »x-> 'low the miik jrot ia the cocoanut; »hen manuo seed was sown; From wl,- ’’. c tbe C4!ivcs eame to people this fair bnJ. And when ttiev died. where they all went, the happy du=ky baud? £icts are a’l my>lerious, aud no solation »:et, And Ue. p'- oth. my#teries qaitc a- deep whieh are not fathnmcd yel; Who wi- it ran the opiuui ring. »;ot in the tiquor fsf, How was it* u#toms men weie blind, dctect:V, S CO(lM ut KjJ Whose eoini to be the Tammany ivinj; of t:iīs mo-t pion- town. Wl.o’1! -tart thc Show. i > wh. m -liall we ad plank tbc “ueaUui'’ down; Wiio wlll be Boss. aud run thc firm, who will thc Bucklcv be. Tc do it «<n the Fri#co pian of the Great Kepnhlie frce? One thiu‘" we know that BAILEY’S BEDb are ni.uie of WOVEN W IKE. Tht v givc ns . .i:nf >rt, peaee and rest, ar.d are ’all that we dcsire; He Ukcs no pai t in politics, but docs the bcst he ean. To plen-e his frieni!-. and show that he’s thc WOVEN WIKE MAN! W0VEN WIRE BAILEY, Manufacturer Gf W0VEN WIRE Beds, FIoteI Stroet, Honnli>l>.i, (next dmr 1 1 Hom’a Stea>.n Bakery.) āalil by i-Ul Rssp2Ct=.clE E5Elsrs. >i i>g 14—1 m VIAV1 REM£D1ES. WII.I. ei’llEC»nsumption, lthenmnf«ra. C«t irrh. ( r >:ip, «1! ek ii d s -««ea. Kemale Comp! mts. «n.i I’Ilcs in the worst form. Ho;>cs »re c;itertciaed th-t it wlll eure Lei rosy. They re A’enolahlo Iteuiedlet* nnd oan b“ nsod by the ku.-I dellculc uml thc younRe»t ehiM. Pr ees wilhin thc re*eii «»f •>;!. by Jln. r. Q. « illoway, 109 KIiij «trcel, W«y Blo. k, ii..<ler .ī .r.uonv Hull, //.molulu CARD OF NOTICE.

Pchnrf &C '. hns r**mi>vvfl tr> Ar lingt n I]l>>ck He.iel Str p o{. \vhcro thcy will be b tt* r :ible t>* s* rvc .unl p’e.oe their I*;itrons. Wiil keep on hand all Ihe Iatest papers. I> >ok Sf!t'onery. Pcri *dic ds «fc Novelties, in all br.mclies of the tradc. City - Carriage Blacksmith Shop D. BEplT, se 11 tf f 107 KING STHEET

Blacksmith Work C f?5D)ini3 PAINTING : ANl) : TRIM>IISG In »11 it-> Branchps, at Hcd R c < Price3. Mulnal Telcphone 382 Give us a Cali and jndj» for yoursclf. jy2B J. H. TRUSCHLER, Uoot & Shx>emaker. j 1jO Fort &reet. Bep:iiriuK, neatly Djne. oalf so!e and heel witb peg>, UO. ilaif solo and heel sewmg $l.ōO. i mu7 Gust. A. Mauer, HA ir.4 :1AX HOTEL BARHEli Ladiea Skampoomg a sptci~ akp. UonoiiUu. 0Ug4-