Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.
bi»tember 17, 1S94 lf we romember correctly the ■ C irle>i >n” was tbefi.*stof t.'.“Wiāie Sqn »lr n t» vis t Hono* lulo. Her «rrival * u her secon>.l c use is st 11 in t : e mi >ls of ; eo: 1$ v : ; > «ere heio on Jana rv •29. 1891. When witb fl ■%* at h lf rnast «ad y >rds cock-buiit s’:.e ent«red port witb tbe body of King K iiakaau, the kind attentio: s sho vn by tbe oflicers to tbe King dar i g the voyago , to tbe United St.ites a: d the, a - most sacrad m mmr in whieh the bodv ««3 guarded wbdebe;ng! borue to the Is ands, eml ared tbe “Cbarleston” to tbe peon’o of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in ; tbe power of tbe people, ti.eir api reciation w,.s shown to the oificors dariug their stty aud when sa : led tbey left graven on j t blets of love and ooemory, evidences of tbeir Aloha f’r Hawa.i. Few, if any. of the cfticers who woro here fhen are on the vessel now; some have reacbed the age of retirement and otbers bave gone to oth-r vessels b.t the CharIestou is st:ll greon in tiie heait of c tbo Hawaiians. Have you ever used a r.ansy St ve? We bave beeu selling them for four or five years and to day tboy wear tbe “Yellow Coat” iu the empire of stoves. Tbey are recogni/.ed by evvry one. evon dealers :n <}tber stoves, as a snperior urt : c!e and one whieh they do nut care to run up !iauiust. 0f course st>ves may n be bonght from people who :iro not dealers. Wo have people rnnning here every day or two ; for five br cks and parts belongin> T to stovea thev bave bongbt n from other parties, and when tbev fi:ul tbey cannot get tbem thev discavd their stovea and | bny a “Pansy.” Yoi see tbera is a disulvantaga in bnying dear thinga ;it low pr:ces. Cnne to us unil get- a l'ansj jit $15 00 and you get fu!l valne for your money. Y’ou >lo t got n $75.00 range for fifteen dollars, mind vo'i, but \ou get a fiv*t class stovo tbat is worth Thirty dollurs to any one Our Re;«ly Mited Palnts aro s ited to tho wants of neople who have a little painting they want to do tbemselvos. The adv;int* ago in bnying a prepnred paiut is tbat you liave tho benelit of tlie best misers in tbe United
: Stites \vithout having to pay f«>r it. The paint is reacly for use i direct!y you t ike t':ie top otf tbe ; ean and if yoa do:.’t fiml it eheap er and better Ihan ary yoa csn iuix yonrself v>e re mi*taken in our experience In Cal!fornia the i ninters are ns : ng the pr-pared article in preferouce to bnying leiul and oils becmso tbey find it to their advantage to do so tVe bel eve it is only a q .estion of | iime when the paiuters here wil 1 i f:tl 1 into line. Hanging lampa are in as gre-'t ! demand now as tver. People i seem to \v;int souifthing for lig!iting purpos*s th.t will give as j good liglit as the suu —they fi ; d it in the lamps we are giviog away. Our eheip stand lamps are 1 au excellent tbing for a servauts room aud wiil find a readv sale in thc lsland stores. Weean i supply any dem uid for a siugle i laiup or fcr a thcosand.
Ti.ere's lots * f Hawui'ans whose Kaleaaas need fencing uud we b.tve the wire with whieh t * do it. Wa h:tvea!so the materiai for bi:iiding a fence tbat will Iust until loag after the milienium. Instead of paying a hign prlce for pcsts, oreven getting them for tLe cuttmg. your fence will cost yoa leas m ney if vou bny steel stays and washers and mike a Joues Loc»ed fence. We h.ive everytoing yon want iu the hardwuro cnd honsa fur* uisbiug goods I;no yoa wisb. And wa coart inve>tigation to their quality «nd } rices. Tfes Hawaiaa flariware Oo. 807 Fort Btreet