Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 ʻOkakopa 1894 — A False Rumor. [ARTICLE]
A False Rumor.
T e Adveriiser saw fi: tbis moruiug t > state. tbat tu«n iger D.uley would use tho stage of the Opora Hcuse for cert *m pol;tic«l pnrposes. \ccording to tbo paper tbo rcsults of tae nominutiug conveution would be given tbrough a member ol tbe Dailey Company from lbe st:»go. Wo are aatborized by Mr. L J Levey to stnte tbat no sucb breacb of propriety will be made in tbe Hawauun Ojiera House. Tbe measuro coutemplated by a certaln newspaper mau woukl ou)y result iu a freo row. Let D.tilev
look altor bis sbow. Lot Dlo look after LU>RopabUo. Doa’l got UĪ3wd '
A French Wonun on wycung, Thē chat a representitĪTe had w*t*i n l.»Jy cyc!ist. wiio ean be seen m *st fine ra>rnings enj »ying a «p’.n in tlie Bo>s Je B )ulogae may proTe interestmg. ••Cyebng.” excl»imeJtbeyonrg lfldy wbh a smi'e, “I adore it. It is now tbe most popnl.»r wom.m‘s >; it. My girl frienJ- who rMie borseback are al)anJonmg t!ie borse of tiesh for tbat of steel. How man* b»Jies bave yon seea, Monsienr. oa bicyclc tbis niorn ii>g ' D z-ns. ‘ Yes; quite tiiat.’ O * _ AiiJ a1S iu £nickerbockers of some ft>rm or o»bers “ Yes; iiiJ tbey were :uoJest eoongb.’ ‘Of cour-e tbey w ie. It 5s tl>e Jr< ss for tiie spor. ” Oh, tbe Je- ' light of lb it costiaie! If you 'aad ever w ru skirts you svouM snow it. I soon learnt to riJe. Witbout tbe terr.ble iuconvenienee of p ttic »ats tbat is eas'.Iy ,i ,.je. *Fully a score of gir's were lf,arn ng at tbe same trae iu the Mam ge Petit, aml so \ve decided some of us to ta%e onr first r;Je ou plein air (out of iu • eompmv. M hen we st;irteJ w - e f„unJ th.it our ueat sn.ts were not lers becoraing thun b ibits or j even orJinary dress, wbi!st tbey were iufiuitely more comfortaMe and decent. Yes. decent For 1 bave seen oue of yoar Englisb g r!s riding a tricycle in skirts; that sigbt \vas enongb to conderan tbera for cycling for evor in my cyes. Wo bad no prejndica to ! contend «gainst. Lo gamins sbouted out after us. We calleJ for admiration, not amusemeut or disapprov«l.” “Do I mind telling you niy vie\vs upon costn ! ue?” inaJecontinued. “Certaiuly not. Firstlv, tben. wbat you b«ve referred to :is tbe ‘JivideJ skirt’ is an error, It presents too great a S'.irface to tbe winJ. Knickerb" , ckers, neither too fnU nor too tigl:t. are tho only garraent possible for real anJ perfect comfort. One inay wear a sh„rt skirt. of cours3, if oa«’s t »stc or fi<rure prompts it; bnt t!iissbon'J iiewr eome lielow tbe kuees wuen i seated on the maeliine, and I [ mueh prefer ray owu costunie, witb no skirt otiier atforJed bv tbe !ong rec»ingoto bodice. Sorae woiaen, you will 1 have J<» b{!>_‘ss uoticeJ. we r very wiJo Z )< . <vo - sjliapeJ garments otbersverv t:g’utoues. Bolii are wrong tbe bappy ni:Jd!e conrso bcing t!io best. W»ll, nnderneath 1 weav a snit < f si!k ai.d wool. Tbis is Eng’<ish made nnd verv conifortable things they aro for eit!ier cycling or horseback ’ exercise.”