Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 October 1894 — In the Smoke. [ARTICLE]

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In the Smoke.

The following imp*rial Jecree JateJ S5epteinber 17th, has been issac l in Ohina: Xhe Wojen baving br"keu f«iitb with CorfcH nnd forcibly oeeupiei tbi«t oountry. tho thr>»ne sympa- , this. J with its tribntaiy ku:gJom in her distres8. aud so nised an i.rmv to attick the eommon cneray. Upon L5 Hung Cbang fmporial High Commissioner of the Peivaiig, having cbief contrcl of tbe forces tbere, rested tlie entire onus of being prep.«r* J for emergencies. Bnt, insteiJ be has been unahle to «ct with speed mJ proraptuess in bis militar\ preparations, so tb«t uiueh time has clapsc*J \vitbout any import ant rcsults. He bus inJeeJ f:iiled in tlie trust reposed iu bira by us. We tberefore commanJ tbat bis decoration of tbe tbree-eyed peaeoek fea*.ber bo plnckcJ otl from (bia hat), nnd tbat he be stripped of bis \ellow LiJing .Jacket, as a slight panisbraent. It is necessary, tbeu, tbat t!.e sai<l lmperi.il Higb Coramissioner cxert bimsclf t.i tho utraosl anJ Jeciiie npon wbat sbould be Jono; tbat lie Jirect and hasten the varions provinces to tbe front, in oi Jer tbat «11 may put f rth tboir best strengtb to cbase and root ont tbe enemy. In this \vay Li Hung Cbang may bopc to reJoem bis former orrors. The Czar of' Maui. When Mr 1-. A. AnJre\vs, tbroogb tbe wi>Jom and i»;:tronago of W. O. Sniitb and otbers left Monolnlu anJ accepted the ofKeo of sberifFof Mani, \ve smil ej, nnd \ve \visbed tbat Mr. AnJrows wouU accept bisoffico in a pleasant raanner anJ trv t*> bebave himself. We congrfltulateJ Honololu on tbo departure of tho great detectvie, and \ve JiJ uot corap!iment Maui on tbo -new appointmeut. Mr. Andrews bas succeedeJ in proving biroself an ass anJ he has increased the number of his enemiea for g>>oJ re.isons. Tbearrcslof Mr Jobn Hiebardson is a most ontr.igeoos affair anJ wo liope tbat the uttorney in soltcd in suoh a manner will finJ a \vay of redress. If tbe ropnblieau governmeutthiuk, tbat tbey with impunity eau step on meu who neve • bnrraeJ thera or even (ried to injure Uieiu, tbe quicker tbey learn tl»eir mistuke, tlio better it will bo for them.