Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 October 1894 — JAPAN TO THE PRONT. [ARTICLE]

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The sons «<f ihe I{!sĪDg Snn aie showing their plaek «nd their soldiers aro rcarching on Peking. We pnblish tlie detai!s of tbe groat bittle recently foagbt anJ the r p«*it g*ven in tlie ./a;»rn J/(ii7 is worthy of n J<ce by »11 who care tu follow the incideots of the gieat w.ir; Detail- of Ihe battleof l'byong vat.g «re re*cbing Tokyo. Tbey rao«lify in soa.e tlegreo tbe eitimates j r"viou»ly f<irraed astotbe resnlts of tbe figbt. We 1« aru, in tbe first plaee, that tbe Japaneso loss was not so sranll as Lieut. General Nozu’s original tclograin reporleJ. His figures were J0 killed [including 2 wbo JieJ in.bospitall und 269 wonnd eJ. A uiO'SHge sent to He*J qnart< is by Major-Geaeral Ko Jamn, however, nnder date 11:50 a.m. on the 19tb in9tant, gives tbofollowing tutals: Officers killed 8 Nou-commitsionoJ officers an<l mon killeel. 154 Total kilied 102 Officcrs wonnded 26 Non comraissioueJ offieers anJ men wonnJeJ 381 Total wouiule«l 407 Missing 40 Tolal casualties 609 Tbo brnut of llie fighting seems to have fallen npon MajorOeneral Osbiuia’s br!gade. ItbaJs;x officors killed, naraely, 3 captaius of Infautry anJ 1 Avtillery, and 15 womulcJ, immely, a M «jor of Arlill«ry, «nd 4 captains, 5 lientcnnuts aml 5ensignsof li fantry; an 1 its total of rauk «nJ fi!o killeJ and \vonuJed \vas over 300. Willi regard to tbo Cbinese Iii'>e«, M«jor (5ener«l Kmlania. on tbostrongtb of inform«tion furuisbeJ by Lieut.Gener.il Nozn telograpbs tbat over 2,000 were killed. «nJ tbat altbongh tbe uumber of \vuunJed is not aeenrately known, it is at lenst twice tbat of llio killcd. Concerning 11*o prisoncrs, bowever, tliero is mucb uncertaiuty. The iutclligeuco received inTokyo on lbe lStb gare 14,500 ns the nssurcJ tot»I. but neitbcr M»jor General KoJaina nor Ganeral Yamngat« «peak of moro tban 60(Xh The genorul opiniou appears to point to abont 7,000. but u« th;»t is obvionsly a coiupromise lolween tbe l«rge Unal originally unraoJ niul General Y«m«gatas e nuparativoly amall bodv, \ve liositat"

to credit it. Fartber iuformation iuust bo uwaUoil. Tbe Ohineee seem lo bave betn largely supplied witb cavalry, for Majoi Genoral Kodoma’s tekgram speaks of a great unuiber of horses kille-l. 13ut Cbinese c*v alrv bas «lwavs provod au ulmost «r • • uselcss nppeudage. Evidently it did nol *crvo e\on for vidette duty at Pbyong yang. siuco Ihe ouemy remained iu ignoran«o of tbo real iuovemeuts of the Japancso up to tbe !ast iuoment. Tbe plau of utt>iok w. s sin>ple. Tbe true nssault wastobe delivered frcm tbe eneuiy's rear by a eolunm marcbed ronnd to tbe west of the city. Tbe Commaud-er-in-Cbicf, Lieut General Nosu

aml llajot Oenewl Osbima wert» iu oommaml of tbe trcops forming tbis westerly eolumu. lt was conveyed across tbe Tai-dong Biver, above Cbbol-do, by « large fiotilla of steamers and juuks, conveyed by tbree men of war, and from Uieooo it aeeomplisbed a ren:ar»able forced m«rch tbat c«rried it to Luk ehhu. a town due novthf f Pbyoug yang aud fully 33 miies distant from it. Of tbis eoiumu'e wbereabuuts tbe CbiiKse seo*u to bav« remained iguornut uutil a late period. Tbeir attcution waa entirely oeeupiea by feigped attacks delivered from tbe soutb aud eust tbo formcr by Major Gcucral 'PoeUioū’o brigttdo, tb« Uu«r by

miJ r il j r Geaeral T».i« progr8mme «as in p*rt die-tatt-d bv top. grapbical eona:Jerations. Phyoog-yang being %ery (1 fRcalt of appro«ch from t!>e east and bnt comp-r »t.TeIr access:bJe from tbe rear. M bether tbe Chinese were » hoiiy taken bv surprise when tbey fonnd li»emse!ve« ass»ited from tl»- re r, it; uot slat"i in th** accounts thns far received, but pr>b«bly their (eehie resist.nnce i> to l>e attriooted to th t e «ose.