Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Golden Rule Bazaar, I)epot f r NEWSPaPERS a.nd PERIODIC ALS by every incoming steamer. Sabscription» P:iyablo iu Ad\ttuce. I)OMESTIC SEW1NG M ACHINES. Tl>.is llaehine s tbo K.mg of : 1 Ou t you ean aiako a Loek>tit. b, L'iiain stitc!i. EmbrouIery. buttou-li.»les. Iv i)les, Tacks. Gnitars, Lawu Tennis, Baseball, Croqoet. Statioiierv »nd Llaak Books at r-*~ ’i'hw i’aww. Hand Sowing Macbines from eigi.t doI!ars aud * half np. [jv-7

U K IN VITK VL1. >MOKERS To eail nnil iaspevt of tiie ('eif'nrattsl ( "11*1 (*j(WrpHo lu.M' i*c: «>-:r i.ite iraportation «. n. n. p jk>?, cigars » |f»'r *» # ■ T. H. Dīiyies & Co., IL.i3ca.ited.. Fresh Feed • and Flour From]WASHINGTON. Lion Flour, Oats, Bariey, Mlddiings, Bran,s PER “ WAKIMOO” Jnst to H nd.

New Dry Goods Crockery, Hardware, Groceries. To Man( , « s roa Bailey Honoiulu Made Wlre Woven Matresses and Hammocks