Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

MACFAULANE A CO. Dcalers in Wines and Spirils K**hotnanu Street, Hoaolahi. H. E. McINTYRE * BRO., Gbocekt, Feed Store Bakert. Corner of King an<f Fort Sts., Honoluln J. PHILL1P8, PBACTICAL PLUMEEK, GAi>.LTlTEK rOPPER-SMITH, S3T Honse and Sbip Job Work Promptlv Executed. No. 71 King Streot, llonolali. 1)k. MeLENNAN, Fort Street, above Hotel. Mutual Telephone 682, for olHee; 2h7 for re«idence. iv2<S

KD. ( ' liOWI^. Housc $ign <ittd Oinainenlal Painter. M;inufacture c>f Liquid S!>tmg. (i‘20 Ring Street. a«gl LEWIS J. LEVEY, Estate anel (1 ener-.il A uctioneer. C>>ri:er l'ort auil Qaecn Strec-ts Honolulu Porsoniil attention g ven to S:iles of Furr.ilqre, Real Estate. Htock and Gdm»r< ! Mei ehaiieliae.. MiiuihI T<'!cr>hon(- 2.1' 8

“h'AĪ BOV.” 8AL0ŪN I P. MelNEKM’, Pkoi kie^k. Fine Liquōrs, Wines a,n(j Beer. Cor.vku B»rrHKi. avd Hotel Sts. Honoluiu Carriage Manufactory W . W. WRIGHT. Pkopkieīou, ;Succes?or t<#G. We»t).

CJV HHIAOK BL’ILI>ING asp UEPAIRIN«. Ali Onlen from the Other in tlie C»rriae«' Trirotninjr umi Painting Line will Mcet with Prompt AUenlioa. Blacksm!tbint; in AIl Its V«rious Branehes Doiie. P. O. Bos a»l. Nos. an.i ISO fort Street. jylO Iy

W. S.LUCE Wine niid Su>irit M©rchaiit Cimpbell Firt-proof Block, MERCFĪANT«T. nOMU.I’LU. 71 :BOTH TELEPHOXES :71 —COSSOLIDATED—SODA WATER \VORKS -: C0. {i.iMirrr».> * XOTl€K.

ALL penoua are vmed not to |n>r&u>t their aniuMla to tresroaas on the Iadi1s o( Kanewai aad Knmoihili, helonging the nndersigned rioe plaatere. AU «nimtls fonnd on str*3ring on tbe rico Unds will be or ebot» lentai wai sing kee. Hunolaln. Ang. 29 ISW. nng •2&-luia>-Toi Wo Wing Kee Co. 36 NUL ANU STREET Otil«n io LsUies' & B x>t? aml Shoe*i maUe to or«hr. p o Hot *rr I yQ

Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTKALIA.” Another Invoice of the W orlJ Kenowueil FREDER!CKSBURG LAGEft BEER On draught «od by the keg. Alao, as a Specialtv, Shall Fresh Caufornia