Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HOLOMU^, rCB£JBHED Kvorv Ailemoou F.XCEPT St'S»AT BY THF 'īolomua Publishiug Co. St. (Tlioioas hlooki, iionoiuin, H i parifioatiu 50Cts. . ] ri. deliTewl liy C*nien iu tbe ai. i!.arb*. Kinew Oopie* Salo an<Y *t tbf Office of ici lieaHon. HUND NORR!E, - • Editor M R00NEY. - - Manager \OTICE. 11 ltaKineas CommunlcatiouH Hhonld bc ’,, | to P. M. BOONEY, Honoilu, H. 1. i • m*Hponci«*no*f an<t OooaumnicatlODii lor iu-Hlion hIiouW be .iddrtsi«-(l io tjis E<iitor Holomna. No noiiee will U pidd uv auoHyiUOUH oonuuuuiealiouH. IiuHin.e»s Cards VOLNEYV ASHFORD, Utoi-A«y aud Coauselot «t Law, >liicc, Hilo of the Olii Botbel—\est Coruer of King «nd Bethel >treets- jy2l A. P. PETERSOX. .vriOl;NEY AT LAM'. ffiue: 113 jJ*n.bumanu S'.reet, Uouulnlu !U>:UiHU Islands. CHARLES CREIGHTON.I ATTORKEY AT LAW, »i,c: 113 KHuLau-'anu Stn»t, llonolnln Hawaiiau ī»iamls. paul NEUMANN. attornky at law. 114 Merchant Streot. Houolulu, Mulual īelephoee 41.5. CLAHENCE W. ASHFORD. lTTORNEY and oounsellok at LAW. )ffioe. Old Capitol Bnilding, (H 'uolu'n U.de), adjoimng l’ost OlEeo, ilonolulu.! A. KOSA, attornei at law, So. l r . Kaahmuauu St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. H. F. BERTELMANN, CX?STBAcrTOR AND BCILDER,J ' King St., Bell Telephone 107. F. H. REDWARD. OONTBACTOR am» EUU^EK, So. Ō06 King Street, Honoiulu. Hawaiian Ialands. Wm. F0STER, ATORNEY-AT-LAW. 42 Merchaut Stroet. Oct llth. A. G eOUUEA, HTATTOR-NEY AT LAW o07 Merchant Streot, Honolulu. jy2A Femandes & Goines WHOLE8ALE
Cal!fornla Wines and Splrits, No. 502 Fort St.. Hoaolulo, H. I. P O. Pox 430. Mulual Trle 140. t'Hl\KSK ewpi/wn COifPASY, 33 * Botii T n.KrHo.vt» 3.»5 H*ck Sun<l. Corner King and Maunakea Streeta. Haeka »1 Ali Houra. j>’27
SAM TEE HOP. Ko. 552 Kiog Streot, Dealer in C«li(oroia &nd Huwaiian Fruito an<J Veget>l»les. Guara J©Uy, Tea aud (jr-*aad Ooffee, Cig*rs etc J>'20