Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
GONSALVES Allw#j» Kiepi on Fl*nJ * s n; ; v of the Very . Best Pi o' );i i la e»*'# of M.\ i, »). *> > 1 1 1 :i3 . . THIS J?OAP IS inz Finest Impo::ed He:e. SPECIAL PRICES F0R > i , IX L0TS I jas. me\ a mn Ce!ebrated Brands of SC0T(’H TVI11SRKY i j Xamely: : BEN ALD0CHL A.\, » ! Ainsley's 0LD Blcndcd Glcnlivet f GLE ,M0N Extra.S i GLENLI0N :a SPECIAL LIOUEIK scotcii whis; ■ iriS City - Carriage FF'Q- c 0 . Biacksmith Shop 107 KING STREI:T D. BE(\lT, M^na^
Biacksmith Work AI.D Cirriaj> -R>pilri.ij PAINTING : AND :TEIMMINC In all its Branchps, nt Bed Ikek Prices. Mnlual Telephone 382 Give us a Cali an.l jrdo for yourself. AI3MIHISTBATI0:i’SK07!:S. TIIE L N'DERSIG*«ED bavīn" b ■ d, t appointed A‘!mini<tmtor of Un E«tar< i Fetelo Kakoi. (kj Iate of Hoao alu, < '.ibu, aeceased. Noliee U berebv irivcn toai - : tne tleceased to preaent tbeirclain - secnred bv M.>rtgajje, or otb> rwis. >1. v autbendicated and with the projwr vo ; it any esi«t to the under»ignt(l wiiiiin - i raonths from thc dafc hercof or th> . « I t • foreve.* barred; and all persons indel t a tbe said decvased arc refjnest fo m i ■ ;mraediatu payment at tbe Otli< • of J. K. Kaulia, Corncr of Oneen an.I N' .ua: ■; Street», Up-4tairs. K.ULI PE7ELO KAKOI Administrator of the E»tatc of ?■ t KakoL (k) deeeased. Honolulu, Sept II \S‘M. »cpt II-ōa
yjeje chan, DEAI,ER L\ F{ije Fū?n$iing Fine Tailoring Fine Chinese aud Japanese H;>ndkerchitf3 31 to 33 Nuuanu St. H n<>h*!u. P.O. Box 253. iv5 J. H. TRUSCHLER, Boot & Shoemaker. 130 Fvrt Streei. Repair:ng, neatly Dona, half eole and heel witb pegs, H»lf aole and heel sewing, $1.50. na7 Gust. A. Mauer, HAW AI1AX HOTKL BARBER Ladies Shampooing a speci0%, Homluiu.