Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Branch -8ATH)HGEstablishment. This Fir-t-Cl»? s JBathing R^snrt his b«n enlarp**«i and is now own to the pub!ic. It is tt;e be«t plaee on tbe iela« ds to erjoy a Bath. and tbere i» no better olaee to Iay ofi. Speciai acoon5D0odations for La - dies. Tramcar9 p»ss the door every hal/hour, and nn and Sundayg everv filieen minute«. C. J. SHERWOOD, jv24 Proprietor. Per S.S. AUSTRALIA from the Coast CAMARINOS Refrigerator Contaiu a Full Supply of lee Houee, such as Frozen Oysters. Crahs, Frcsh Salmon, Canlirto\ver Celery, Muscat Grajx?s, Peaehe», Apricots Mcctarincs, Jaj)anese Plums Tokay Graj>cs, Gennaa Pruncs Crawfonl Poaehea, Silver Prunes lU>sc Pem (Jraj>es, Bartlett Pears, Siklc Pcars, Etc. California Fruit Markct. Mutual Tcl. 37 S lt HoYenfye Tinsmiths 2nd Dea/ers Crockery, G/Assware, <S(C. WAIKK PirES LAID ASD PLUMEINO NEATLY E\ECUTED <a|U Nuuann St, betwfonJKing Jand Am'ii KuiMini; jyo mi:deiros & eo. Merchant l'ailon** Ameiioae, £uglish anil Scotch Tw«h1» on bnnd. Fir»t-plfts« \vork guaranteed. llolel St., nuh>r Arlington Hotel Illoo» Honolnlu. S. 1>. UKEK. Mivnagermoa. THE COMMERCIAL SALOON Harry KlEMME, Manager Cor. Nuuanu Bervtania sts. Honolulu. H. 1. The in Towu. O. P*. S. a Specialitv; L0HEKGRIX JLAGKR BKER Always on^Dr<iUght 2 GLASSES\FOR 25 CKKTS. BeH of īrines, Lxquors, and Ci$ars, ALWAYS ON HAKD. iultf peWHEWHHi <JJ2£K CORNES OP Kuuanu and BereUni&Streete. 561 r~Barn Tklkphoxk«:—, 561 GOOD, RELIABLE and tf Cim DBIS r £B6.