Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LADIES’ eOLUMK. T>> Tn r ”.y it’ :s .. fact lh U v art* i l t s«ve »• t“ li. • VoIot*r *:| D O'n t;t . iy d-ff reace fcow ai-.eh 1 ipjrch.'f? «re ur.dt>i;b'edly *th> !,\iding qant >: s oftbodiy. You woui-i ihink ?oif you k&ew how ! many lin:es we have an?wered theni lin the !a-t week —bat we never t ; re f :> ver’u 2 *ny ar:d ai' qaert ons. ooronly regret isthat weareunab!e ■to g‘>ve onegr>nd exc n m ar.d tike ail o r c::sfc)mers t > the Vull(M: •»; t.irre aw »y thro :hg |evt-ry een g t tkcre through t v r de .'.ipu* wit';i os. Q i;ck Si!»s a p. d S r,all r fi:< mean *itnj>’y thi- . Kc>»ooniy t * you and if you wish, ‘o save ihe d fTerence betweeo our j>*e- - a i i; *cy pr.c > t w >n t !>e io g 1 >e» re y >u wiil te.:I i? t :.tt f;dci>>u3 b>.:y ng will j>ay f r •ole:.s re triKKEP EVKRY PU!;C1ASE CHEC;< you ge* ■ t >. een now and Chri;t:nas, and if yoa waiit t>, you ean give Ihem » some w r: >.y frk-nd. I looks r as lhough t!ie rainy j»n hns set in and we nre g>> : ng to nake a run on rainy wealh»rg >>xls. UMBUELl.AS A PARASO;.S, C'OMFOUTERS & BL VNKETS, fr > u Sl .00 up. FL \ N N E LS & V i.A N N E LETTES, S1I v\VI.S &WO M.KN G ODS. The go-i :re all new and jst vh t y »u i e d. 1)0 V)U waul D S8e the V..!cmo? If you do, you liave jast V hwI a eh.me * .13 my O.ia eLe.
E. vt H B. F. EHLERS & C0. LvAMEHAMEKA GIRLS SCHOOL. The fir t term'of Kan ehameln Oir'< o en Monduy November - JtU. ***—- ,in M - *Tii|i i~r aduii sioa n».<y be addie=>sl t * t ib r i t kameLmieh« \I,nn 1 or Miss l’.'iie, w H he iu »he Haw.i,'ian Kiu ’.er-gHrt' n Koom, Qneeu l-.pima Ii« I Sntnrd.y moruings froui 912 sht* will l*e ple se;l to meet t>iilic;;i*.s. ‘he tuitiou is titty .l.'iluiii ic*.ith) a ve.ir. No ii.plieanU reeēived nnder 12 y*-ar.. of «ge. 1 Oct. 11-Im. S:hool. The nndersigae 5 hus >pece 1 a school or ;1iom? desir.ng t learn how to Dasce. 1.E3- [ soss w.U be given ut the oM Armory ou Quteu S;reet tvery Totsdi>y, Thurs;l«y au.l 'iitur.iay uiehla i tgmuing ut 7:30 P M Oct. l’lth. l’ETilK MeKINNON Fred. Harrison. C0NTRSCT0R AND - B'JILDER l Tlxe Leading Bnikler
IX HONOuHLil’. 8g v n o i «'l kiml? f I r Ir *n, S •> >e nn«l \V»> »1 i» R««ii<lii’g J * J i# / of »11 •.»• ds. Boiid ng M»t rl .1 5»r S:«ie. 510 >nd 512 K g StreO. R«:<h c r <• i'i» n',B !■ 2.’«. r. ('. Fo.t 11. oc2-tf % REAL ESTATE AGENCY. I!onses t*> r«*nt aml for s»!o. . R nts eolleo*.eJ, conveyancing in ;»li it3 br .nehea att*.*niie<l to wit!i promj)tn»-Sā and d"Sj» tcb. Honoi lu Relkl Estate Agexct. 103 Furt St N0TĪCE-
JUi Otu.rf