Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 October 1894 — Church Services [ARTICLE]
Church Services
«. ST. CATHEDnVt. Iie crt o* tho C * • C-*ngrcg *tion cf St. A C.thedrd f« r to-ra rrow r- ; - follows; 6:30 A. X ' "-iimanion; 11 x X H-- y C nr.a nion »nd -ermin; 7.3 ) j - ra., eveo» >ng :«ud - r;noa SE«.oXD COSGBEGATIOS. The cerv v>-s <>f ;l e> o 1C * g!cg-ii ou of S; A drew s L' t is dn' to morrow (ganday) will be as fo!iow>: 9:45 A. X., raorning praving with sermon; \eu;te, Boyce in F; Te DfUiu. Wood-’ uanl; Benedictus Gilbert in E b t; hymns 537 <« d 215; antl.eoi, “What ar«* these,” by Stainer. 6.30 p m.. eveuing pray«r with sermon; Magnific<»nt. At«ood in F, Nune D niittis, Pnrce!l iu 1); hyiiins 2-90, 256 and 1S. Rev. Mackmtosh, p.:stor. All are cord ally invittd. CENTBAL UNION CHrr.‘ H. Sonday, Oct »ber Dr Robart G Hntcfcins, D D., will preach :it 11 u.m. and i;t < :30 p.m. Y-)Uug Peojt:e’s Sociely of Christian Endeavor ra“eting at 6:30 p.m. Snbject, ,, Christ’s lovo tous;our lovo to Cfcr st " Johu 3:16; J r 31:3; Luke 10:27. All ar <• rdi-dlv invi*r l. CHUISTIVN MtSS!ON. Meetillgs -t llai'Mi -l<y Hdl OD King stie l. betw.»*vi Fort »nd Alakei stix4 , ts Pre -e i:;g by Pev.T D. <.« irv n. Ev,uig:dist. ::t 11 a. ni , and 7:30 j), iii S<ibjec*s: "\ ston oi h - :ling wat rs; “Threo typicai cases •f eo iversio!i. 11 1 d. r, yon ‘i rn i!. vit ■ 1 S9 :l ts f !’< l 8
IUV - - B ble c >ss 110 a. m. V. M. C. A. 8EHVICE3. Hr.n>V:y, 11 A M . a O lin 1:15 p M , ut tlie Birncks: 3:3J p. m. , B bb' stmly at Y. M. C. A.; G:30 p. m . Gc?oel praise serv.ce >il Y. M. 0. A. LATTER DAY SATNT3. Keoip niaeil Ciiuich of Jesns Christ of L.tter D.iy S<inte; Mili. lani Ht!l,.renr of 0;ier.i Hou-e. Services wi 1 bo helil on Snutlay jns fol!ows: 10 a. m., Bil»lo class; ; 11.15 A. M Jiml 6:30 p. M , pre ehmg.