Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 22, 13 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Penrose Punch. [ARTICLE]
Penrose Punch.
Tiie raost fushio»able drink in to*u in reuroae Puuoh. lt ha> the lull approval of Jodd aml Jouvs aud lt is u btiverago whioi» iho Board of HeaUh considera above reproacb Kw'eipa: two slices o! pioe-apple, a c kejry aOuked incaatrouso. a tbimbUL ? J ful of Loug L.f wbis »ey. bitten> andsig\rto s«U aud the vrbite ofaoegg. Well ahakeu aod of ten. iakeu nnd yoar Peurose PuneU is there!