Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BEDS of WOVEN WlRE! The Luxury or the I9th Ceiitury A M!|-steripn < 3 i«le. Dīd »n vUxiT erer he±r ho» the h»a*i» first crt>ivn, ’k« tfce hiīIn cot in thc eoco*not; «ti-n nuu>go -evi wa« ‘o*n; From « :ience :he na:ivc# euw to jt-'i ’.e tbi~ f±:r LmJ. AikI when tbcy dteJ, wher? they «II wont, th< liaj»i'y ilu?ky t>aad' Th' ~r b‘" ' *re *?l niy-;erioc*, ind no »olntion And theK's othcr my5tcrie< qnitc *- dcop which*are not f4tb«>n>cd yct; Who wa» it r»n :!ic opium rin|r, ;ot in the liquor f rre. llow was it Cn»tom» men weie hlind. dctectiv,5 eonhl'nl *ee? t - r. Who’U ?;art thc Mhow, t>> whom #hall W9 plank tfac “ne«dfai" down: Wn» »iJ l>e an.l run th. drm, »h> wlll tbe Bucklcy l>e, Tc do it on the Fri#co p;au of the (īreat Kepahiie frce? One thin!r we know t!iat BAILEY’S HEDS are tnr.de of WOVF.X WIKE. They give u# coiafofr, jn?ace und rc»t, and *rc all that «e d?,-ire; He Uk> - no pait in polilie.-, bnt docs th-. b -5t he ean. To j>lca->' hi- friends. and sliow that !ie‘s !! ■ WOVES WIKE MAN ! W0VEN W!RE BAILEY, Manufacturer Gf woven v/:re Beds, Hot i Sireet, Uonoli.lu, (: ext <ljor t> ‘iorn's Ste.iiii Bakery.) Sold by All REspEctabl= n=al5rs. attg 14-1 m IU8Ī ARRIVED,
8 BY ■ CARR!AGES 0F ALL STiLliā, r\ D I i % W I L V tP% # ' N TI1E LATEST PATTEKNS. ‘Mhousehold I SEWING MACHINF.S II.LN'D SeWĪNQ Ail With the Late.it Ii..proTeaients'"iT PAKLOli Jrs:ans, Quitarr» An*i Qther Mcsic.il InstmiueD*r, ines, Liquots, Beer ALWAiaON HANO. AN*0 F01t SALL EY :D. H0FFS0HLiEGER i C0. Kinu St„ oppo. * Cookes. A.SS[QfiEE'S SA.LE ! TEE ENIIKE STOCK OF Wenner$ Co. WILL BE SOLD Regard!ess of Cost,
sept G—tf — ' »- . VIA¥I REH£D1ES. . ..E 1 .!' 1 n E Con«awpt?on. i:?serMMS’«a, CeL*nra, Opnp, aii «l nt$e«. f€auitCaci< j »c»l Pi •’i i'i jhē fonn jJ*J5g£ «U*rtttD*d īt wlll fare V, 7 ," rr e .,’ l / se,,b,c Rf »fllei *nd <'f.n ehCi U * rUMi your.;. Pr ii:bia the *a £• MUw»|r, MI9 Klti* Or*»ir^ B,t> 0!.<*er H»riaonv I/ *oīn:>i CARD OF NOTICE. bch.-»rf A: C x, has remoreii t> Arlingt n I5l- ck »1 <: r et. wh*r*thcy will be better ab!e to a *m and pleaae their P.itmns. W»!I keep on hand all tbe latesl p*pers. D-ok Sutī.ia«ry. PerKHl!cj’sA NoTeitivs, in aU braochei of the trade . »14 W