Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y.

S r 17, 1 *4 If we remember oorrectlv tbe i4 Cbarletton” was tbe first of i ‘ W ite Sqn Ir n ’ t > vis t Honolula. Her arrival on her secon'l cru : se is still iu the mir.ds of r eo- who «ere bere on Janu .ry 29. 1S91. Whea with gs at lnlf mast an«l v.ri1s cock-buiit s e e!:tero ( l port wiih tbe body of King K ilakaua, the kin l attentior,s sbown by the to the King dur'rg the voyago to tiie Uniie.l States a d the. - raost sacrad mum-:r :n whieh t!i body ars gnarded wb : lo bc n_ bornc- to the Isian*.Ls, endoared tbe “CbarIeston” to the peoj>’e of Hawaii. As omeh as it was in the power of tbe people, Ueir ap--reciatiou wjs sbown to tlie ofiicers dnring tbeir stay anel wben sailed tbe\’ left graven on tiblets of love and raemory,evidences of their Ahv>.a f r Ha-

wa.i. Fe\v, if any, of tbe officer.s wbo were bere then nre on tbe ressel now; sonie bavo reacbeil tbe age of retirement and otber> bave gone to oth r vessel> bit tbe Cbarlēstou is still greou iu t'ne heart o# tbe Hawaiians. Have you ever used a Pansy St tve? We bave beeu selliug tbena fnr fonr or five ycars and to day tbey wear tbe ‘ YelIow Coat” in tbe erapire of stoves. Tbey are recognized bv evt-rv J o . oue, even dealers in otber stoves, as a superior article and one wbicb tbey do not care to rnn np against. 0f course st >ves may be bougbt frora people wbo are uot dea!ers. We hnve poople running here every day or two’ for fire bricks and parts belonging to stoves they have bonght frora other parties, aiul whan they fiud they canaot get Uieiu they discard th?ir stoves and bny a “Pansy.” You see tbere is a disadvantage in bnying dear tbings at low pr:ces. Corae to ns and get a Pansy at >lō 00 and yon get full value for your nioney. You don’t get a >75.00 range for fift: j en dollars, mind vou, bnt vou get a fi*st class

s(ove that is worth Tbirty clolIar< to any one Our Ready Mited Paints are s ited to tho \vants of neople who have a litt!e painiino; they want to do theraselves. The advant* i«"e iu buying a prepnred paint is that you have tho bent*lit of tho best iuixers in the Uaited Stites \vitbout haviu" to pay for it. The paint is roady for use directly yoa take the top ofl' the ean aml if vou don’t find it ehean * 4 er and better than anv yon ein raix ycu:self \ve are ir.istaken in onr expcrience- la CaIifornia the rainters are ns : ng the prepared articlo in preference to bnying lead and o:ls bectnse tbev fiud it to their advantage to do so We believe it is only a q ! '.estiou of tirae when the painters here will fall into line.

IIanging laiups aro in as gre.it demaud now as ever. People seem to want som; thing for ligbtiug purposes th-.t wiil give as good ligbt as tlie sun—t! ey fi d it in tbe lamps we are giving away. Our eheap stand lamps are an excellent thing for a servants room and wiil dnd a readv s.ile in tbe Island stores. We ean supply any demand. for a single lamporfora thousand. Tbere s lots of whose Knleanas ueed fencing and wo have the wire wiih whieh t.. do it. Wo bavea!so tbe raaterial for bui!ding a feace tbat will last until Iong after the mil-

■'enima. InsteaJ of payic<4 a hig i prīce for posts, oreven getting tbeui for tLe cntting. vor.r fence wiii cost yon iess m* nev if yon boy steel stiys and wasbers and make a Jones Loeked fenc3.

e bave ev6iytbing yon wanl ia tbe lmrdware and bouse farnisbing goods line yon wish. And we coart investīgation a« to their qaality and prices. īts HairaLaa Hafiiars Ca. 307 Fort Streei