Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 October 1894 — THAT BALL [ARTICLE]

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A d ince has t.iken plaee at tLe HotoI and certain things have happened that often happen at any o4her d-i.ee. Somebody Las been carele>> enongh to stnke a virtnous attitude in the Slar and the whole comraunit}* bus b en foninl ready and wii!ing to join in tbe howl against the ball and the Hotel. We ean siv notbing about the eoaeem than what has heen furnished us by eye-wituesses. What was the whole tliingP Let i the truth be known and evervbody who gives a ilanee in Honoi luln will know that nothing unusnal happened. A Subsri]>tion dance was arranged. A nnmber of visitors and a fe\v town people joined the entertainment. A lady fro;u San Francisco fonnd that tho tropical fruit was not especially has aud she plucked frora tlie iree whieh cafties the forbiddeu hanana. A h(.shand, \mnl-apropos, eame around and raised a noise and henee all tbe scandal. How iu the name of fairness eau the Hotel manageraent be held responsib!e for such an oecurrence? The niauageis were not there andthey had no busiuess tbero. Aud \vo feel confident tbat no hami of a lasting naturo 1 \vas done to the vorandah that gH\o >holter and comfort to the bride \vhose curiosity got thebest of her discretion. w*

We are not inelinoil to meution tho Iittle eseapail iu clet;ii!s W’e le.tve that to Ihe A<lver(l>' editor who seetns to revel iu. uicd an.l dut bat \ve consicler it a duty to raiso a soleniu c»bjection against the \vriter of tiiO S> ?»• who clures t-> say that the sceues at that ball “reminds one very sirongly th.it the soci:.l inriner.ees anel j>ractices of the monarc’ v still prevail in certain circles." Now. we wish to tell tiie Sln r man, ami wo nro inclined t<> believe that he kno\v.s the truth c>f onr statemeut, that the reff-rences to the ruonarchy in this instance are uucul!ed for and eloeieleelle unjusL W e dc> uot desire to enter into a campaign in wuieh the names of mauy prorainent citizens will be draggecl into the , dirt, but we refuse to tolerate insiuaations frora the Sl ij*against , the ladies be!onging to the roy- ■ alist circles whieh eannot be snb- \ staotiated or tolerated. ♦

I.et the S(ar UQdorstaiul th it tbe n;»nies whieh to - d;iy are I l*andied a onnd ns the by word i of the street-boy and as the subjects of the gossips belong uot to monarchists bnt to tte solid piliars of the republic. If he wants to “have it ont” we will aeeommodate him but the very first to smart uuder the lash will be one of his good supporters, a coming senator aud a well - known pillar of the chnrchly republic. That bali may have bean wrong. But “be carefal’’ is our waraiug to the first mau who throws the stone. Oa a bicyole or otherwise. I