Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Golden Rule Bazaar, Depot f.r NEWSPaPEKS asd PERI0D1C ALS»by every ir.coming t.teamer. 8ub«»fiptions Payable in Advance. D0MESTIC SEWIXG MACH1X£S. Tlis M.ieiiiue » the King of «11. On t vou ean make a Loekstitcli. eiiain stitch. Embroiderv, i>utton-holes Ri;ffles. Tncks. Guitais, Lawn Teunis, Brtseball, Croquet. Stationerv and Blauk Books at Cash pRICES. Hand Sewin{? Machines from eigl.t doIIars ana a l»alf np. (jy27 WE iy\'ITE ALL SMOKERS To eall an<l inspeot oar h«te importatioli of ūio ceiebrated G. B. I). p jes, cigars Hix! oitr*m*Go hoM' > rc. i:cLLivrrn i • T. H. Danes

& Co., X-iī Fresh Feed • and Flour From] WASHINGTON. Llon- Flour, Oats, Barley, JVliddlings, Bran,e PER ‘WAHIMOO” Just to H nd. Hew Dry Goods

Crockery, Hardware, Groceries, T o Haml. s fob Baiiey Honoiuiu Made Wlre Woven Matresses and Hammocks