Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUCE CARTWRICHT ol a Fidaciary Xalore Tr«iisacted. rrompt attention prcn t o th« manAeenienl of Ertt»te-i, C r*r.:bnsbip4, Truslv, rfc., et«., etc. : Ca t Buildtng, Mervhar.' Hoaolnh» H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealei’s. Coffee Roasters A M) Provision Mercliants •)8,t'ort Su»rr-f. - ilonoluin b’(tinilics, Plantrttions un>l Ships Hupplio<l with choicest Enropean & American Groceries C iIifornia Produce by Every Steamer. Merchaut Kxchange Comei Kir.g aun Nnnann Strccts, S. I. S !A\V Proi»rietor. The I'iaest se’ection of LIQJOUS aml BELR. st>ld Hnyr liere iu tbe to'.rn. First-class attendance. Call aad jndge for yonrsc!f. uo 113—tf. LEWIS & C0„ Who!esaie snd Retaii Gro ASI) PR0V1S10N DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE By Every 8 >n Frar.oiscv 8:eamer. S.VLT SaLM0S IN B.VRnELS A Spectaltt, iii Forl S/., Honolulu. Tfl. 240, P <). Box 297.
ī(almluipiotel Kahului, Maui. Si|(q, PROPRIATOR. s«pt 7—tf KENULUN, PHOTOGRAPHER. Nnuann «ud Panahi Stne!<. Cabinets 13.50 Per Dozon. “ 2.00 Per 1*2 Dozen, 8x10 $5,50 Per Dozeu, •* 3,50 Per 1-2 Dozen. Dry Gools ai d Cliine5 Siiks. Emplre Saloon, OLDS, Pk 'FRIetor: pine y{u[Z3, Liqucrs. 3eer ALWAS ON H.VXD. Coroer Xua»nn an l Hotel_Strvcu B?U Pelephoaa 241. Poet OOee Box 107 CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mcluerny Block. JOBBERS OF WINES, and SPURITS