Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 October 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]

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C0XSTITUTI0X and LAWS Framed bv the Missionaries \ — LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 6 Foreigners from other conntries shall never bo reqnired to pay a poll tax, but their properiy is linb!e to taxation, and thorefore tho present law is passed. But thoso foreigners and nativos who h«ve loased land with the conseut of the King and Premier* of the Kingdom. and have orocted stores ou said huul, thoy shall not bo taxed accoiding to the above rcqaireraent bnt lieoneea sh.ill be given, them with oat pay. 7 It is further.aore enacted that from and aftor the first day of Jaonary in the year 1843 there shall be au ad valIorcra dnty ofthree per cent luid on all good», warea, raerchandizes and on every articl« of trade iraported to tbese Kawaiian Isl.inds foreign naiiona. Nono of tbo above artic.es shall be landed in theso shores until. the dntv bo paid, or bonds for paymont be given, anil the barbor master haa given hia consent, and ho will not glve his consent un.css tho owner of tho property confonns to tbo abov .‘ ro quirement. Rc*pect iny Uuiea for pnying d\Uie$, *ee an nd jyi*3cd Muy 9(1‘ J\19. 8. It any v;o!ati t'»is law, an 1 land g> ds w.th0 it payiug the dnty, or without t'ie onainl of the barbor Master, or if a rcan in any way ?et the law as:de, all*tbe property whieh ia impnperly landed ahall t>e 9,*ize 1, anJ c<.>nti5e-»ted. 9. Tne e ghtb section ahall not bj cona;derid as applying to wbaiing ship?, tnat anchor for the p.jrjK>se of re f re5hments It ehall be proper f.»r them to bjrter »t p!ejsare {jt r»freshraent8 and whatsoever is neces«ary f»r their ve3sels. Bot if they aeil el >th or any other article oa shore and receive tn°ney in payment. then aueh g'x>ds ahall pay a doty. And if any OapUin of a wbnling ahip, sell in th>s raanner without first paying the doty, bis ship will thereby haeome a merchant ship, snd the Captain »ba'l morvO.-er befined tbc sam of fifty do!lan. 10. Tiiere ahall be no export duty ou aoy of the productioas of these I«hnd5. Bjt if any one carry silver or gold ont of tbe counlry. wboever does tbis shall pay an export ddy of tbrce pr. cent. And wbosoever ahail carry mcney OJt of the conntry in viohtion of this law ahall be fice I just aneh an amonni as he carried aw.iy.