Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Removal ! Hustace & Co, have movf.d to Morgan*s - Auction - Rooms for * short timc. W« »resli’.l •* nin « Departure Bay COAL iCHARCOAL, ALGERObA ami KINOLINO WOOD in *nr qu»ntUT. Both lelephono» 414 »U'> POUXD MASTEH S XOTICE. Sotice - h. n-bv c.v.n : • »11 V**V n * there \re at th« liovernnient Ponnd M* . >trave.l bnUs. 1 bhct bn brand*'.l Uon right hmd leg. 1 l' lcco bul1 br*nd indiscribable on owing the«e bnlls arē t*> oome aud Uke th. on or l'efore 12 o'eloek noen, SATIUDA\, *“*• '■■■■ 1SW WiHE, Kl-KONA. Poand Master. M&kiki, Ang. 50, 18M. ang.-»-lwdy

Pioneer Shirt Factory F>TABLISHF.D 1>S7. A. M. MELLI8, Propr:etor, 518 Fv*rt St„ Honolulu. (L T t»taln) Civu..l FU ______ CON'SOLir»ATF.D SODA W.\TER CO. (Limitted.) E S1’ LANA I) E ; I Cor. Allen an.l Fori S»«. s s Honol.iln 110UaSTEU * co.. Agenl*. F0R SALE. A FINE “ MIDNIGHT ” STALLION eolt belonginc to P. D. IsenWrg. The eoU ean be 8efa at tlie PaNTHEOK STABLE from to-morrow. The White House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Firjt-clas J!ou?b IN EVERY RESPECT. Soou ftoi $1-50 to $3.00 per Weet. or 5flc. per DayPAUL LEMKE. PROPRIATOR. Bell Telephr.r.o 132. aug 22

N0T1CE T0 fiste, Pienie Partles. Loaos —AND—GENERAL PUBLIC! At SM[rM’s »;-s and Ljvsry Stable, Kix<jStk: et. [A«ijwirin s Metrcpolitan Me«t M.irket.] ls the CLeapest Plaee in Town jon ean get Bnitees, Wagonetie», Buggies and Sadrtle Horses. lt will pay yo U to eall an 1 see betore von try eisewhere. Matual Te!ephone 408 »ngl-tf LO\/eJoy &co, Wfjole0ale Wiije Liquor ūealei^ 19 Xnoanu Street " e WOQld eall yonr allenliou to Our Spccial Orands Longlife <§ Pure Cream RYE WH/SKEY. Fredericksburg 8 EER 402 ' * in ca8lt9CT botUes