Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Pirc, l*ife & Marinc INSURANCE. HARTFOBD FFRE IXSURAXCE C0.. Asseta $ 7.109,825.49 LONDON’-LAXCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO., Assets, $ 4,317,05*2.00 THANIES-MEIvSEY MAKIN’E IXS. CO., * Assets, $ 6.1*24,057.00 XEW YORK LIFE IXSURAXCE CO., Aasets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, General Ageot for the Hawaiun Isiand3, llonololu
LMPORTEHS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, X 3 i*ovisions ANI) » ITeed, EAST eOKNEH FORT & KLNG,STS. New Goods Rec’d Ry even r Packet from tbe Eastera States and Europe. Fresh California Prodace by every steamer. All orders faithfullv attended to, and Gords delivered to an\ part cf the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Post OfSce Ro3 N>'. 145, Telephoae No. 92. P. O. B..x 48U. Miīual Ielephonk 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Bny NewandSecond Hand Furnitnre 1S A r r .TH hZ eouNEi» of I | Honolulu King & Nuuanu Sts. ih. i.
T. B. Murray ls 1el l«> i>e oiiaad On (lu* 01<i Stan<l, \o, I I King KiiHiikOH as CARRIAGE ASD n rirrri 11 lll Goes On, Wlien the “PEOPLE8’ P A.RTY’ ; gets 3mas)ied he wili bo rea<iy to HEPAIE PAIN! AND TRll I! At a Reasonable Figore.— No Eitra Charge for Farniahing ihem with Common Secse. LET THEM RING UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572.
PANĪHEON SALOON, FORT ANl) HOTEL ?TS fi63flviarters Enterprise Brewiii£ Co. — TUE — Largest Consignnjent of Becr ihat ever :irrlve<i here, uot on Dranght J. DODD, Prop r — lo (ntore «11 BILLS £or nndt-ruking will be on pre*en;atkm. We are eompeliee to resort to this ruk, on occoc;it of the inat>ilītT to eolleei tke majority o£ onr I 'ndertsktng bills a£tnr ?uaer»’s art orer. WHUiKS BBOS, au2r-« F.D. A. WIUiiM». Manag-r. THOS. LIN13SAY ( 2Mdchaut.Street Hooolulu i New Store, ne* Jewtlry G»ld, SUver and I>iamond*._ Jewelrv ManufdCiQre to onler. Watcbes eieaueU aud repaired :a ?nd «uspcct.^