Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LADIES’ COLUWN. Dk-. Toii w*Uy tu<MQ il ; l> it » facl <hat you *r« givc a t:cket t > the VoIc*no l I)oesn‘t il make any d’ff j reae<* ho* mueh 1 parchise? These »re nndoobledly ihe !ea<linz questior.s of the day.. You wou!d th:ak «o:fyou knew how many lime? we have answeredlbem in the la>t week —but we never t : r? of answericg any and all juest:ons. our only regret i? tbat weare unab!e to give one gr.ind* exoarsion and tik a;. oir t * the Vol* ciu<>; thtre is a throuh that evcrv one ean get there througb r do»Iingswlth us. Quick Sal.-* and ?;«&!! Pr.>ats mean simply this. Economy t > you and if you wish, to save iho dlfferenc« helween our prices a d faucy prices it won‘t be long be: rc you will nealiie that JuJicious buying will jay for pleasure trii -. KEEP EVERY PURCHASE CHECK you get botween now and Christni2S, and if yoa want t>, you ean give them to some worthy iriend. It looks r fl3 tbough tlie r siny s>n has set iu and we are going to make a run on rainv weathfr g x>d9. UiIBRELLAS «fc P \RASO; S. COMFORTERS& BL \NKET3, fro:n Sl.00 np. FL VXNELS & PLANNELETTES. SH i\VLSJc WO >LE.\ G ODS T1 e ; « s.re all new nn 3t w!s t you i e d. Po you want l > se<> the V»>lcino? If you do, you have just as g kk! aehinee as any one else. E. & H B. F. EHLERS & C0. Fred. Harrison
C0NTR5CT0R AND BUILDER Tlie LeadingBuilder IX H030LULU. Estimates given on all kind? of Brick, Iron, Stone and Wooden Buildings, Jobbing of all kinds. Building Materiai for Sale. 510 and 512 King Street. Residence Telephr.ne, Cell 227. P. O. Box 11. oc2-tf Mv\ kE Ti Ē T C -» Corner K’;:uj ind Alakea Strect». Camariotfs Hffrigtwtors By F ciy Stcamer fr:im S«o Fr»nct9co, w;tb Fresh c ruit, Oysters, • S3lfr>rtn, Poulirj, Erc.’ Etc . Etc.. Etc. REAL ESTATE AGENCT. I - t » Honses to r**nt and for« le. R uts collected. convevt»ucing in all itsbr>ncbes attendeti to witb Ipromptn*ss and d**sp tcb. Hosotxr Real Estate Agency. 103 Fort SL
NOTICE~ D’»ring ray nhwaea frona th® co.M>try »*fh*r the :re of tbe •*0 —*nio” for ChiuH Ohin Doc« »i!l bave full cbarge of my basiqoss aml affki«8 generabv. WaUuko. SepL 24.1894 Ail CiLEW