Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
KAMEHAMEHA GI1?LS SCHOOL. TUe tir~t term 'of Kamehameh* Oirls School»ill oi en Momlay November l‘-th. \nnlicHtions for admi-sion mf y be nddre-s-ed to Miss j‘ope eithcr ;.t Kamehnmehi M manl or Miss Pope. w.ll be iu the Hawrtiian Rinder-gart<n Koom. Queen 1 inma Ua.lL, 8atnrdny morning~ fn.mi <J-1‘2 where slio will W p!e.is< ito Uieol <pplieants. 1he tuition is tifty dollars (fōO.) n yeur. No annlicants recēived under P2 yeius of age. 11 Oct. 11-lm. Dancing School. The nndersigne ' h .s opone 1 n school 'or llioso desmng t • leani how to Dasck. Lessoss wdl 1h- giren al the old Armory on Q iecn Street evorj' Toesdny, Thur- lay aud Satardnv uighu ieginring at 7il» rM. Uot. I I th. PETElt M< KINNON
Criterion Saloon ! " ■■■ NOTICE is liereby j;iren, that all clairas agiiust t!ie Criterioii Saloonj, wi!l besetlled bv J »s. F. Morgnn. and all «>utstHnd ng cconnts d'ie the Criteriox Saloon m d the jobbing t‘ouso of L. H. Dee n|> 10 tne i.bove dnte. are p-yab e to Mr L. H. Dee. AU bil!s ngiinst L H. Dee. please preteut immed> tely f> r iayment. L H. DEE. Honolulu. Oct. 3. 1894. oc ! 0 ."ra WANTED. As or nurse by !rxnecienced nurse jnst froai the U-S. will Jeave tb« l-*land t>nurse. Inqn re >t HuLomi a OfeIce. octS 3tsd LEE SU\G KEE, 49 KIXG STKEET. TiXSMITH, axd OEALEK IX GL\SSI «*rc. CrocLerr, Gu*l-OU StuT«. VT*Jer Fc’*—Ptu<»bM>gJii 4JL It* Bm>cbM F*at1 fU/i*BD«UDd.