Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 October 1894 — Relieved. [ARTICLE]

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Mr. J Luning who is probably known, to a number of citizens wil! leave tomorrow in the Australin. There has boen some talk of emphuzising his departure by a dinuer given in honor to thc famous collector, and tliere Ii;>» been a suggestion of presenting him with a gold-headed eane. II is »lebto«-s wouhl probably have joined in both subscriptiona, be caose the o!d siun«'r isn’t as bad ns he looks; but it was learned thnt thecollateraIsof his ,, owing” friends were aot suflicient to pay for a dinner, or for the pnrchuse of a gol4-headed stick. And none cf them was brazen enongh to a prcseut for Luuing and and leave it to the collector to, I iu dne time get the due of tbe merchant furnishing the sinews ; of war.