Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 21, 12 ʻOkakopa 1894 — A Climax [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Climax

T«je D i!lo*r C<>rapan3r get>ras hare a<Jopte<l a principJe •f is toai&birg tbe co£niaonitv. Ti»e (urtner sbows Lare met tbe be*rty approT.t! of tbe comionn;ty bnt re U»OUgbt that a tlog voo!d C‘>aio rlioit tbo t ! .under of adver?e critici>m woaU fa!t with et 'nt on tbe head» of the |>erf*>rraersTbe preTenti* n of ‘ Jmi t!ie Ponman Iust «voning •tra> a granJ saccess. The drama is one of A. M. Palmer's most noted pnnlaotions and it was reader&d in a most artistical style It is nnneccssan* to mention any ind vidnal player. Dailey has proved Limself aa exeellent manager, ainl by lbe selection of artists made by him, he has reaehed a climix in the history of aoenie art of whieh vre never dreamed in for ner uays. Toraorrow a matineo will be given for tbe special benefit of the kids, and in tbe eveuing *'Charley*s Aunt’’ will present herself to thoso who had sence euongh to get ticket.