Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 October 1894 — NEARLY READY. [ARTICLE]

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Tbc Kamehamehi Girl s Schocl To Be Opined. — When Mrs. Panahi J3ishop died it was fonnd tbat she had !eft tbe bnlk of her great property derived through her descent from the Knmehamehaā for the . porpose of erectiog and maintaining edocational institotions for the special benefit of Uawaiian boys and girls. Mr. C. K. I5ishop sabseqnently made several munifieent don:ii tions increasing the Iegacy of the ' deceased cbicfess and for a eonple .of years the boys school has flonrisbed and done mne 1 » g«XHi in Hawaii. The tmstees of the 6isbop estn/e 'i4hrongh the good offices of Mr. 8. M. Oamon have now becn ab!e to erect a school for girls whieh beyond doubt will be asbenefieial to the coming generation of women as the first school has proven itself to the men. A fine strncture has beon erected at Kalihi opposite the boys school. Tue new institution will be opened on tho 12th of Novftnber, and applications for scholarships should be made to Miss Pope as soon as possible. Ko girl under 12 years of age will at preseut be udmitted. The fee is only $50 a year. lf the preseut plans for the tuition and education of theyouug girisare carried out successfully—and we have uo doubtthat such will be tbe case, Hawaii will «gaiu havegoodreason to bless the memory of the good lad>» wboso chief interest in iife was the promotiou of tbe moral and phvsical welfaro of her race.