Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 ʻOkakopa 1894 — ANOTHER OUTRAGE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


• I The c<litor of the | ha** never been note«l aa a dis- | plaver of fact antl good form. His refcrences to the facU of the deatb

of KamanAw*. the grandf»ther of tbe qneen. are. to say tbe le*st. bigbly nncalled for. No sane mau. in this centnry finds bimse!f injnred becanse his anccstor» in tbe grey dark ages were bebcaded or hangeJ, bnt it comes witb bad grace from tbe *‘baoimer'’ on Kalakana to remiud tbe world of the f:ict tbat U»* gr*ndf.itber of tj»e kinp, 20 vears «fter tbe landing of the first missionaries was bauged for committing an ofience that r in th ose ages, was unnsual among the natives and tbe cbiefs of tbe country. Mr. Annstrong, wbo :ic< .;t-l tb- friendsbip an l hv>s-

pitalitv of Kalakaaa; in spite of bis laek of Icgal knowledge ae copted the Attorney-generalship of the conntry, and who, as the traveling eoiupamon of the king. was never a credit to Ilawaii, shonld be tbe last man to bring forth a story whieh ean only create painful feelings among tho relicts of the benefactor of tbe Afhtrtiser editor.

While Mr. W. X. Armstrong kept Limself within the bounds of decency, and enjoyed bimself as a stump-speecber only, in tbe American League or in any other capacity, we left him aloue.

As editor of the Adverliser where we snppose he was starved tocome he is eutilled to no considerutiou ns long ns he sbows himself a blackguard towards tbe frieuds who stood by bim, a supercilious fob t iwards his associates, an uumitigated fool towards his readers,* and the very opposite of a gentleraan towards his opponents frora the Queeu to the leiseller on Nuunnu stroet. When intorvi6wed by the Central Union congrcgation our esteeraed “brother" is very iiueh absent in Waikiki or somewhere else. We sinceroly hopo that the Central Uuion will eonlinue to be nfter liim aud prevent him from, ns tho St(0' says, pushing the Advertiser on to the “downward journalistic grade.”

Wb are deeply gruteful to the editor of the Advertiser for his kiuduess in re-publishing our editoria!s. The readers of the ‘ Tiser aro equally happy aud declare that reprints from the IlOLoMi'A arv tho only thing worth readiug in the Advertiser. As our paper is uot copy-righted we have no kiek comiug. We may i-emiml K:ilakaua’s cr-attorney generul of the fact that he is paid to \vrito for tho Adcertiser aml that t?r nre in no way connected with his sheet.