Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OCJEAXIC « SteamshipCo - * ? 'T’ , ime Tablo. LOCAL LIXE. S.S. ACSTRALIA. īRii2:o:er. Stevedore and
recker. ESTIiIATES AXD CONTRACTS OX ALL KINDS OF WOKK. Stenmer Waimanalo wili run repular »o Waianae, Waialua and Way Landing. lnqnire «t office of J. S. Wiuu orer SpreotdV feh U t*. PACIF!C 8ALOON, Comer King anj Nuuaun Streets. EDW. WOLTEB....M»nager. The Finost eeU-euon of LIQU0HS a», u 3EEH, sold anyrrhere in the toirn. First-desa atucdence. Call and jndge for yonc'df. no 80-tf.
B. BERGERSEN, Gfacr»; A£rat tor RING-ER siī:wi2sg MAOHINE COMFY. All KmJ* of Seedles for S«le iiil R*»patrīog Dooe D*mon’s B!ock, { Betbel Stroet, Houololu. P. O. Box 440. jy*2l