Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HW II HOLOMU^, is f'UBLISHED ) 'verv .\-tternoon tXCEPT *V\OK? BV THE Io!33iaaPublisUagCo. Kinght. (TlfOdii« btock), Ilonohiiu, H. 1. ,23C3I?lT0S, por Iwonih, 50 Cts. l. . j, ( . -i is (k-IjverL-il bf C.uriers in the : u ..nii rubnrhs. Jjiut;lē Oopim fjr Sale r-ws Deal< rH and at the OAioe o( i) ii iu-ation. £ ','U\D N0RRIE, - - Editor R ',1. R00i\E Y. ■ - Manager ; 2sOTICE. „11 15usin«w Commu»tc«Uon« shonld be g ( . ire«se.l to P. M. .BOONEY, HonoInln, 11. 1. < •. rav-ponaence aml Commnnication8 tor < u .lieuUonshonld be addressed to the Editor ilnwaii llulouina. Xo noliee will be paid t u ; uy unoui'inou» eommnniealionn. liu.siness Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFORD, Attoniey aml Counsolor at Law, ()ilict, Sito of the OUI Bothel —| \\’est Corner of King «ml Hethel i Strcets. jy2l A. F. PETERSON, ATTOBNEV AT LAW. Uffl» : 113 Kaahumanu s* jre «t. Honolnlu Ilaw&iian Islanda.
CUAKL£S CREIGHTON.| ATTOKXEI AT LAW. Otfice: 113 Kaahnmann Honolaln llawaiian Iiilaads. paul neumann, attorney at law. 314 Morchant Street, Honolulu, Muliml Telephoue 415. CLAKENCE W. ASHFORD, .VT10UNEV AXD CX)UNSELLOR at LAW. Offi e. OUl C»pitol BniUling, (Honolnln Uole), adjoining l*ont Offloe, Uonolulu.i A. ROSA, attokney at law, No. 1 r > Kaahumauu St. , Honoluln,Hawniian lalauds. H. F. BERTELMANN. OONTEACTOR AND BUILDER,J St> Iving St., Bell Telephoue 107.
F. H. REDWABD. CONTK>«TOK axd BUII n EK, .So. 306 King Street, Honolulu, Hawniiwn I»Ianda. WILLIAM FOSTER, ATORNKT-ATuAW. 4- Merchrut Street. jy‘2l Hooolula, H. I., A. G COUREA, AT LAW, •‘>07 Merchant Sirt>et, Honolulu. jy20 Fernandes & Gomes WUOLRSALK Callfornia Wines and Spirits, No. 502 Fort St„ H >uolulu, H. L P 0. Box 436, Mut«al T«lc. 140C^TO6E compasy, 38') Boxn Iklephone» 33o h««k Sund. Corner Kiog aud Maunakea StreeU. H*cks «t All Hours. jj2« SAM YKE HOP. No. 552 King Street, l)oaler in Oalilomia aud Hawaiian Fraits and V'egetil>le8. Guara Jelly t Toa aad Gr>uod Cotfeo, Cīr*l8 etc