Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 ʻOkakopa 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]
C0XSTITUTI0X and LAWS Framed bv tho Missionaries * | LAWS of tlie HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 2 The officers and people are hereby informe<i howerer, | tbat tb>?re is a ne<v article whieh ia rery valuable, and that i* Coffee. Tiie people ivoubi do weil pay their land tax in Coffee. rulher than in awine, particularly 5n plaeea well adai>te<l to the growth of C >ff-e. And thoee persons who are in porsuitof wca!th woa!d do we!l at the present tinie bv plaiilmg C«’ffee. 1 hose who r.iise C >ffee will find it the -»ime to them as nioney. Tne pricc aMowed t!ie present year will h five poucd3 to the dollar. But that price will not be pcrmauent; it will he fall al n > distant j>erio<i •» A new 'as is also to ho a?stss-d on the stor» s and viotualmg hnoaea. Il «ny fore g ier or native own a >re in anr p.irt of this afchip**lago, if it b>? a who!cstle storo, it ?lia!l piy a tax of twenty five dollars f>er ye ir, aml ihe owner shall rcceive a whole?ale licenc\ B d if the store he of a »l>uble cbaracter, Ui it is, wb >leaale aud retail, the Ux sha!l then be fifty doiI.irs and the owner shall reoeive both a wholeaale and retail lie nee. If any man owa a retail st >re, wher ■ go >ds are not s>M by the iarge quantity, the tix of that store shall bo t venty five doll«rs, and the owner of it shall r*ceive a retail lieenee, These »LalI betiie rat s of taxition for.»ll »tores ofevorv kiml * « BIt uo unUuftl ;irtic!e em b vcodrd in thcm. If any nian keep a puhlie faonse for t .e oot«rt.iinment of Capta'n of vt»3els, aad genlle ntn <>f th- h<gher cU»s tltV, houee sh.t!l be t»<xed f >rly d<»!Iaro u y**ar, nn<| t .eownor «f,a!l receive a lieenee t> xeep a bous-of entertiin nent. Ii a man k-iep a victual>itg houa? for «ther j«*rs >tis t ian Cuptaiii3 of vtss !s, orper* )U3 of dtst iction, eotertaining only Ihoāe ofa Iowerc!«as who «ish ada»ie8«n, suoh a hoose «hall bc taxcd Ouly l wcnty fire dollare, and the own-i shail rtceive a lieenee to k»ep a victua!ing houae. But n« unlawful artic!e sball be farn!sh<rd in said houaea. 4 Thia law shali take »ffect at «11 places on tb 3e idamls, on tbe first day ofJalr of the current yeai. And «fter said d»y, there shall b: no st >re, board ng houee nor ri< tuil ng hosse kopt. wilhoul a iieene:*, as sp cifi*d above. And whosnever*ha!l keep a 9tore, or b>»nling h> u«t »fl?r 3 <id d:ty. with -ut a «liall be fmed on ■ hundrttl d ill«rs and ail tbe g-»< d9 pi rchased by ihe people sha 1be ooofi*c tted. Ti.e kapu ahall be first proclairu“d Ftowert<r, afl r whieh the seizurj msy be u aie. 5 It is furthermorft enacte«l that ail persoos ke?pin • of ent9rtainmeot sball ke.*p g »<1 io their houae*. There ahall be no aoiae «r di«t<xrb«nee. And it sh rll be proper f>r the g>rernmeut t)»tatu>n offic?r? to see 10 the cbaracter of saii hou*e». AnU if per of a hoo»e oppose the officer who Ust ttiot>ed 1 1 1 »k t> the hous<e. or if be keep a n>isy and dīsorJerly h>uu Ihe liceoce0of said hou9 d sha!l th«a b> t>rfeiU-d, »