Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

LA0IE8’ eOLUMN. U- yi‘j r j ! 'v m iri \! I? it » • !-c! fh»l y.« : »fe?> s;g £ ire a ■ VekH t Uv- V..»can« I>.e<n'I :t : Tnk”e *iv <i?!f-reac* mneh I , ■ p’>rch Thfsc »n> nMlvubtc»llv ! • l j th>? !cadtusr «jacst ->ns of tbs d>v ! [ • { \on would thfnk soif v >o kr ew how * manv ltmi>s we have *ns*rered tfcem | in the Jast week—b ut we never t?re of an«wericg any and all ques:!ons. ouron!r regret : s th;*.t jre sre unab?e to g!\v une grat 1 ex ir>ion ;\nd t»k° > ’ r ci>tomers t > the Voleieo; t iere i- a way lhruuh th.it every one C:u get there through thc'r dea.ings'vith n«. Quick 5.t! « :tr.d Suaa«! ‘r dt- meansimj»’v tbis. Economy :•> you ar.<l if you wi«h, lo - ive ihe •! tien?n ■ • b?tweeu *i.;r ' pneee and fancy pr!ce« :t >von’t be locg bef» rc y »u n iU rca!ize that Ju«l;eiou8 btiv ng will pav fl r pleas; r.‘ tri;KKEP EVKRY PURC r TASE CHKCK yvi g-t betwecn aow •nd Chrislnias, and 5f you want to, you ean gtve them to «ome worthv i'riend. It lo,>ks r :iS though the rainy season ha« ? t in and we nre going to i make a run on rainv we flht rg ■ :ds. UMBRKLLAS A PARA50LS f COMFORTERS & BL VNKETS, , from $1.00 up. FLAXNELS A FLANNELETTES. ! SM UVLS& \VO M.KN G >ODS The goods are all n-w and j st .vh t y »u t e d. £% 3T* Do y>a wanl t > se“ the Yoloino? If yo i do, you h ive just as giod a ehanei any oue else. E. :V H B. F. EHLERS & C0. Fred. Harrison. C0NTRflCT0R flND BUILDER The Leading Builder

IX HONOLULU. Kstimates g v.'n o:i a!l kimis < f Brick, Imn, Stone and Wooden r> iilding'. Jbbing of al! kinds. Bni!ding Muterial f>r Sale. 510 and 512 King Strftt. Realdenc9 Teleph' ne, B?Il 227. P. O. Boxll. oc2-tf Mvi kE T. Etc., C‘orncr Kii«* »nd Alakea Caniaiiiio ! s IMii?er,itoi? BtE reiy Stcan»er fr >sn Saa Frascmco, «Rb Fresh fruit, Oysters, * Eeimon, Pou/try, Etcd Erc., Etc., Eit 6. s 3l— \j. KEAL ESTATE AGSXCY. Hoases lo reut aod for sdo. Brois co!lectod. coQvcydnciog ia all its hiauehēa atteodeJ to trilb pr*>mptaess and despitch. HoxocLr Real Estate Aoenct. 103 F >rt St NOTlCE - Dariug iuy ab<euca froru iha eo«mtfy aftcr lbe depart>ire of tbe ‘ , (>-*-aalc'’ for Chint Chin Dock »i!l liavo fuJI cburge of my bosiuess aud Allaiia geaerai!y. Wailuko. Sej»k ‘ii. Au Cuew