Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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A FASfi!Ct! 5 BLE PLS¥. i — i A. M. Palmers Great Soc:ety Cr2Z ?. 1« Y«»rk. S.a Frmiseo an 1 L r.-U>o i:«* Pa}mcrs bave ini««•«««ii; .ft'?I >s 5' ;iSOH with J in tbe Ftr,iniin naJ fashion*ble soc»ety tnrn imt en masse. Not «ioR« be s«:eu «aong tbe uotabies. bat to «itae£S this ehana iag c neeplion of trickery aml forgerv prHctic«id in tbe npper C!rclos. The play c »15» for haad‘ome wardrobes by the ladie? and tbe Iaxnry of th ir »nrroucdings mr.st a ! so be v\hibit«l by elab-<r-ale eiape g t tting». Mr. Scbioth i.H» j i»t fiai-.!.ed l«o n, w pīeces that wil! lse »hcwn for ihe fir»t time aud pat to b’ush so»e of the old titne roctu settings. The andi»ncj tonight will doubtlcss be 1 rpe and f «slii >nable. v - { Meetnig Notice. A n;«s?tin- tue Isttrvat n k>. S'Hrrzks Ctrp. 'aiil Uike pl«ce this evemng in tL. ir Club R.v ni. Iieretani \ Street all uii-mU’Pi are partieularlr reqnested to be pre«eiit *s «{leeinl banness will be bronpht forvrar.l. Honolnla, Octoher Ilth, 1891, Doaciag S-.bool. Ti.e r.n<leisigr.e 1 has v}kuc- 1 >i school >or tboāe de-irini; : ’ leaxu how to Dan'CC. Lessoss will be given at the o!;l Aruu>ry on Qnecn Street ev. ry Tn.s.lay, Thnr>day aud ■ Oct. lliii. PLT11R M KINNON €ritepion Sa.loo5i !

NOTICE is iierebv given, (hat all cl;tinas agtiust the i'rIterioit Snloon, wiil bo sett!ed by J.is. F. Morgan. aiul uli outstancling ;.ccounts due the CniTF.uioK Saloon and the jobbing !iouse of fj. H. Dee np to tiie ubove (bite, .*ire p yab'e to Mr L- H. Hep.— All bil!s oguinst L. H. I)f.e. please preseut immedi telv for pavment. L. H. DEE. Honol lu, Oct. 3, IS04. oelO 3m Wanted. TWO UfdFarnislied Houses of Gto 8 ItOOMS eaeh, Enquire of 103 Fort Streef. OcI0 Ilamwai BatliHaiiSE The und rs’g .e ! having Leas£o the well bn'wi £l\Niwai Bvth Hoi se at Waik. .i. gs to iefonn vou, th;»t it w:!i be run as a Strict/ y First-Class BATHfNG RES0RT* Sf ecin accv!u ii"d ti m? f'r L«dios r : nd Children. ' W. S BAHTLETT Pr >priet >r. p8. Tnm-curs pass the plaee ecS 290 Ring Up 290

United Carriage Company, M.REISSJ.C. «UINN POUNO M \STEk'S NOTiCE Xoticc is hereby given to all petsous that tbere «re ai the GoverQment Pound 9 Makiki since tbe tirst f?ay ofOct. 189-1. 3 horses and a eow 1 bay mare wilh a little white spot at the forehaead, branded J C on the left hintl leg; 1 brown maro, no brmnJ on: 1 cream mare witb a little white spot at tbe forehead, All tbe fonr iegs white Brmded K on the )eft hind ieg; 1 red eow no brand, rigbt ear ehopeil thns A—.AAny ptrsonor peiauna owniug these anima'a aro ieqnested t*> eomo *nd tiko the same oa or boforo 1*2 o’eloek noou Oct 13 1894,’ 8ATCRDAY. Wn. Kiua Poaod Masicr. Mokiki Oct 1.1&94. eei 4