Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 ʻOkakopa 1894 — LOCAL HOTES. [ARTICLE]
— Palme» -Jiai lbe Pea«-».r U>Societys 1? ».t -.fi m thc- Penmaa" tonight. The Cenlr.il l’nlon wili bxve 141 t*thly socinl tbis evening. Consul itackfeiil wiil !euve in tlie A ;slralis on a bn*!ness trip. f lie City of l'ekinp niay l>e in tomorrow from Cbin» and Jn[:an. f’et-r MeKinon hss ojter.etl a <l«ncir!g -eiiooi ;:i theo.il nnnorv. Theio may be a «ircjs on tbo C*t\ of Peking, au<l tben again there may not. 1 he l ulie - fin<l h elianu in “ Jim Ihe Penman” anel revel in criticifeing tho go» ns. Mi aml Mrs J. F. Nolan of ( Ban Franeisco, give a <llnner at the IL-tel to-uight A nu:uber oi peopio was present at Thomas Sqnaro 4ast night during the buml concert. The Scluutzeu Club wiil heiil uu imp o’lanl u;et*tiug toaight at the U ritania stro> t anuorv. The ehiUien aro waitiug ft r n r Satunlay’g Malinee aml the b.id boy who bides Molau’a mouey. Mr. Hoffnnng ontertaiced a few friends at diuner yesterday. Tbe Quintette was in atteudanc -. “Jim tlie Ponmau" is the uttraotion a{ tlie Opera House tonigli(. It is a most sen8:ition>d play.
Tliere waa a d:tnce a{ Sans Sonci last evening. Frienda of Mr. and Mrs. W. Whila were j)reaerit Tbe nssemb)ed wisdom will meet tiiis afternoon and probably decide who is to stecr tlie “Healani’ next Sunday. Dailey’s Coinj)any will have a full honse on !Satuidiy. In less than half an hour every seat was laken this inorning. ChiIton is still »round. dis "shaves” aro better thau ever siuce he ; "redncod" himself on tho bicvcle. Try it yourself—tho •» ¥ r shave, not tbo bicycle: Dr I. Moore, wlio leuves on the Anstialia will be tendered a social anddanoe at lndepemleuce Hall tomorrow evening by a number of his friends It is hoj>ed that the doctor will spoedily returns to tho Paradise. The BoarJ of Health did not mett yesterday. Ti;o absence of Presideut Smith was detrimental to the heaUh of the city and measless, ineipienl fever. bad drinking water, aud the gnppe w 11 go on mitil he returns. Poker is a dangerons gamc — for Chinese. Kight celesti.ds wt re arrested last nigbt for iudulging iu the fasciuatiug game. The mnst have beon prelty good as eagh of Uie players was oiderod to j>ut up $100 hail.
The Ci.se of Kauuilae aud Keliikuualo, cbarged uitb malieicasinjary in driring « horse to j deatb was ooutiaued before tbe ' distnct magĪ8tnite tod*y. Judge Perry fouud tbe bojs guUiy and seuteneed tlie«u to imj>risonment for six months eacb. An app6*l was uoted by Mr. A Kosa,.tbe attornev for defendants.