Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 ʻOkakopa 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

iT’SAT08SUP HomeHme» where to to p: •- chaso any pnrticn!ar artitlo, hnt not if yon happen to want anvtl»ing in the lino of £ptists’ $upplies, Ficture Frames or enlarged portraits, tbcio is bnt one plaee in Honolnla, to pnrchasonil raaterials, aml that > KING BKOS. ’ Store, for wliieh there is no rival on these Islauds. The finest paiutings in Hawdi, are on exhibition in this gallery. The firra makcs a spociaIty of onlarging portraits as well as ra?>king pictnre frames in tho vory latest stylea of raonhlin^s. In tho sheet j)ictnre>. they have thousands to select from of whieh they invite nn inspoot; u at any tiino. K.ING I3ROS, Hotol Street, : : : H nolala ang. 2ō-lmd;y. F0R SALE A Complete Huntin§' Outfit. One Irish Setter b tch < f the best btond m Amei ia; r* ' in the A. K. S. 15. un l p r: 1 y brokcn. "One I’oititer bitch by t oe’ebrated G!enbe gh th:it e >’ -1' In Eng!i<od. O.ie l*up five weeks o!d fa*Ler and tnother thoroDghbreed'. Oae Buckboard bni!tcs, • a f°r hontiog pnri cses. One l-g.Dge L. C. Sm th j < as g<K)d t»s ne.T «nd m fino < r<Kr. Theabove nntfit will be so!d hoa: Enqnire of W. H. CUNNINGHAM, Ancbor Saloon. sep!9 tf machine made POI! FACTORV, ; : KALIHI. laro Plants, Fresh Tops and Ra’-v Taro at all tiraes. I p Mutna! TeIephonc 077. Bell 345. W. L. WILCOX. >1® Manager. CITY DRAYAOE CO. aud F«rt Streei'. W h<to and liiaei Sand. Dray ing Donc at Ueas»aab!e Kaie?. W. F. &iiAKKETT,