Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I ARRIVED ' * ‘ Usy L! " j French an<l Scotch Gingham3 (noī. ' l'io.. - *o. ... Yictoria Lr.wos (new). yJs for | White Dr?ss Goods (new) . . 10c., loe.. - >c.. 2 >c. e. j White anJ ColoreJ Dimities [new] .au 1 . tlanneliett3. all colors. (new> 10 nla for. =?1. * 1 old maiim—“There :3nothing r. w ur. r t S nn” —knocked ont. C»1I and bo eominee 1. M. S. LEVY, Who Ī3 now settled in Ben3on. Smith t Co. J Old Stand, Fort Street
p!ationaI īron Woi^ ! QUr:KX Stkeet, Between Alakea «fc Richaril Sts THE UNPERSIGXED are prepand :o m ike nll kinds o( Irou Brass, Erouze, Ziue, Tin aiul Lead Al*o Gcneral Eepair Shop (or Steam Engines, Rice Milla, Coru Mills f W*ter Wheels, Wind Mil’s, etc. Machines lor the Cleaning o( Coffee, Castor Oila, Eeana, Eamie, Sisal, Pineapple Leaves & other Fibror.s Plants, And Paper Sto«'k • Also Machines (>v Estracting Starch (roP> the Manioe, Anow Root, etc. All Orders promptly attended to. «VHITE, RITMAN Q CO. V!NQ-:-F M-=- c H —: FURmURE DēALERS. Beg to inforra the puhlie that they have opencd a BranclrStore at No. 322, Nuuanu St., Whcre they carry a eomplele llue of i B£DROOM SETS, CHAIRS. TABLES, WARDROBES, „ 8TANDS, Etc., Etc., Etc. ; Farnitnre Ki'paiml aml <ien«T.ol .Ioblilnjr at ;teasonai>Ie RttM. VING FAT CHAN, Factory, corner of King and Bcthci StreeU. sent 6-3ms ! • Y, LUM SING, Dealer in Fruits aml Groceries. i Fresh Frmts b\* Every California | Steamer, Eresh Islaml Butter 1 from Hawaii. 13ō Fort Ftreet. ; Cofiee Eoastod. P O. Box 169 Fresb Island Produco. Goods Delivered to Any Part of tho City, jy 21 NOTICE. I D. Howard Hitchcock h:is raopened his classes in drawing aud painting at his Class-Boom on Hotel St. Class instructions given every Wednesday aud Saturday from 8 P. M. , to 12 P. 31. Applicat : ou for tho full ter>n sbould bo made at ouee. 1» — 4L CITYiCARRIAGE C0. Corner KlNGand BETHEL St. CARPJAG]:S, AT ALL HOURS. BotU.TeJepbones No. 113. |J. S. ANDRADE, Maoager1 jooe 15-tf. THOS. LTNDSAY 206 MerchaniFtreet Honolulu. New Store. nrw Jewelry Gold, Silrer and Diamond*. Jevre:ry Manufacture to on Wstches c'eaned and repaii 53?*C,iIl m »nd mspect. T o Let or Leui stpwl ’ ** xi 1 poa»lhfcf j»rty. AMm*