Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 20, 11 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WOVEN W!RE! The Luxury of the: I9th Century 4 >Trsterion^ Oii! jMjvbodr erer hft»r bo* tbe !j*aana fir»t «^pown, 'Jc* the miik c>t in the eoeonnal; *j<o mango wa# *o«n; From «henc« ihe oat;T<w «nne to p*’ople n>,f»ir l»nJ, • An*.l when they died, vhere thcr nU «cnt, the hnppe dtuhv band? Xhese f»cts nre a'l uiy#terioiLS. nnd no soln* tion 5tl, And thcre > othcr mysteric# naile m leep whieh arc not fatbomcd yet: Who *>• it ran thc opium rinsr. yot in the j li*iOor trer, How «a? «t Custom* men *rere UiinO, «letectives eonW’nl sect Wh- - be thc T*mmany King of • m ■-% - '*n, W.. , thc «!. -m uU j * plank the “needful" down: ! \V(n> vi)I be Bom, and rnn ihe linn, who will tbe Buckloy be, Tc do it <>u Uie Frtsco plan of Ihe Grcat Repnblic free? Oue tiiin’ ve know tuat B.\ILET > REDS *re mūde of \VOVEX \VIRE, Tiicv irivc ui comfort. peaee and rest, and *re 'aU tbat » e desire; He takes no patt in poUlie#, but docs the best he ean, To ple»se hi* friends. and show tbat he’s the '\VOVES WIKE MAS! WOWEN W/RĒ BAILEY, Manufacturer Cf W0VEN W!RE Beds, Hot> 1 Str.’et, llonolula, (next <loor to ;orn’sSt°am Bakery.) Snld by All RespEctable r3EaIsrs. Hug 14-lm iUST ARRIVED, 3 3 3 • * V 0 BY ■ CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, D * I -1 Zi IN THE LATESJ PATTEENS. ‘SHOU3EHOLD SflVING 5UCHINES II.\ND SE\\TNG MACHtN2S, CiT A'l With the Ijatost IntprovemeuU"\}J PAKLOPi Jpgans, Gruitarrp Aad Other Ma-ieal Instrumen' . Wines, Liquois, Beer ALWAY8 ON HANH. ANP FOK SALE BY i H0FF8GHUEGEB t 09. *tmg St.. oppo. Cast!a & C*x>ke A.SSIQfJEE’S 3A.LE ! THE EN1TRK STOCK OF Wsnner§ Co. WILL BE SOLD Regardfess of Cost sept 6-tf ¥IAYI EEIEDiES.
11 1LIj Cr#CCt*Mimpiloo, Kbra.BMtiKs. Ot*rrh, Croa|». «U Skin 4 Keaaie Cota pU;:u«. *j»5 Pl!ē» iii the «or<! fona Hop«* »tv <r.tērui-i-a t!x»l u wili tnr« tiprw3r. x Thfy «w Vr = el«l»le Brtn»41c« xn4 t*n t» nred bj- the ckjs: 4« Bt«;e auA th« foonse»t ehi;4. • Pr»oes wiihīn tlve r~.ra «rf «T. %-M J» r , . q.G*llowan 109 Kla s *trrrt, Vmj ;ock. nad.*r H«ru4.tov «*.[, Aonoiolu. CARD OF NOTICE. Scharf k C>.. h~« rtooove.i ta Arlingt n Biock lCtel Street. irhere ihcr will be fcctU>r ab!e to scrre .\ad pieaae tfceir Palpona. _ Wiii keep on hand sii t'ue talest papen?. li.'ok Si;t uuxy, RMt$Bdieal9 A 'Sorclt!i3, in ail l-panehea cf ihe trjde se 14 tf